Thursday, January 9, 2014


They say that you can do anything that you put your mind too? Well, I am a huge believer in going after what you want, and I might just begin to really believe in that saying, after what we did last weekend...
You know of all my hopes and dreams, going on an African Safari is pretty close to the top of my list...
And, you know that I pretty much already have been on one when you consider our experiences at Arbuckles Wilderness Park...
Well, I am here to tell you that I really mean it when I say that I don't need to go on an African Safari to be satisfied in my life anymore! And this entry in this book screams classic Saturday afternoon outing  TURANO STYLE!

Okay, okay we don't hold six week old baby Ligers ( that's a cross between a lion and a tiger ) every weekend, but we do have some pretty wildly fun times under our belt...But, yah know, I think this one kicked up our expectations of fun a lot! And we for sure can't ever consider going to a regular zoo and it be the same, ever again!

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