Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas Morning at Grandma and Grandpa Pack's House

                  Brooke has been saying she is going to be a scientist since she was four year old...
             She proved to us that she meant it this year when she asked Santa Clause for a microscope          for Christmas. This Christmas, after everyone opened all the gifts, Brooke and her cousin Eli spent their afternoon keeping a " scientist journal " of all their findings, on all kinds of slides they were looking at, under Brooke's new microscope. 

Christmas morning is full of hugs and smiles!!!!

                                           Daddy was excited about Brooke's microscope too!

                                                    This was Will's first Christmas that he really understood what was going on...He got a huge " Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Sewer Lair." It is a really cool boy version of a Barbie house. Will loved finding all the little traps, and tricks this house allows his toy turtles to do!

                                       Brooke and Will have enjoyed playing with this house in Will's room.
                                      Brooke brings in the My Little Ponies to be friends with Will's turtles!

Brooke asked for a sewing machine for Christmas! Sometimes I wonder if Brooke is really only seven-years old, because she seems to have a mature sense of interests.

 As practical as Brooke is, she is still a very girly girl!

                                                      Eli loved giving Will a really cool turtle!
                                   Fawn loved the Minnie dress and doll that Brooke gave her
                                              Isabel gave Brooke a really neat lamp kit

                  Fawn and Will are buddies, but it's sort of a love , fight relationship sometimes ;)

                                      They love to talk with each other and egg each other on!
         Brooke and Will giving Grandma Pack a candy dish she liked at the store one day that we were with her...we were sneaky about getting it the next day ;)

                                              Will and Brooke gave Grandpa some bullets!!!

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