Saturday, January 25, 2014

More Safari Fun

 Brooke and Will were kind of scared to hold the baby alligator at first, but when they saw how excited that I was, and that I would be right there next to them, they calmed down and couldn't wait.

This  experience was impactful on Will because the next time after he held the baby gator, and someone mentioned an alligator, he told them all the rules about holding an alligator. He said to the teacher, when she showed a picture of an alligator, " Oh,,,with alligator's you have to hold their mouth shut and hold on tight, or they might go into the water." It was as if he thought these words the guide told us were the rules for all alligators! I am glad we don't live in Florida because he might think it was normal to hold down an alligators mouth and hold on tight to them!!!

Feeding camels is a pretty common thing for us Turano's to do...We probably feed them at least a couple times a year, but even so we think it's fun and exciting every time!

             When Will tried to feed this camel he kept dropping the food, so I ended up taking over....

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