Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Santa loves our Savior

In our house we talk a lot about how much Santa loves Jesus. Santa loves Jesus so much in fact, that Jesus is the reason Santa brings gifts to everyone all over the world on Jesus's birthday. It is a Turano family tradition to have a cake on behalf of celebrating our Savior's birth, on Christmas Eve. Will kept requesting that we make Jesus a shark cake for his birthday this year. He kept saying, " But, Jesus wants a shark birthday party."

I guess I should have been prepping the kids about making the Savior's cake a few days before I did, because if I had enough time to prepare, I totally would have made a shark cake, just because Will thought that's what Jesus would like on his birthday....but, I didn't remind the kids we were making a cake that night, until the day of. Maybe next year Jesus will still want a shark cake?

Will and Brooke were very excited to make the cake all day! I loved not even hearing a word about Santa's cookies on Christmas Eve...

I loved the time and effort we tenderly set aside on our busy Christmas Even to ponder the Saviors birth through this expression of love.

As, the cake was cooking in the oven Will, Brooke, Daddy and I sat around the family room wrapping gifts together.

Will was so excited to be able to wrap things on his own. None of us mind what the wrapping looks like...
It is the sweet little hands crumbling paper together at the ends of a gift that you can half way see, that reminds us of what Christmas is about...Patience, charity, love and long suffering that Jesus Christ teaches us.

 We took the cake and gifts to Grandma and Grandpa Pack's house where we stayed the night on Christmas Eve.

It was so beautiful to gather around Grandma and Grandpa's kitchen table and sing Silent Night with the cake our little family had made, in honor of our beloved Savior.

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