Monday, August 18, 2014

Audrey and Emily

 Only a little over a week ago I was so worried that I could not sleep at night. I kept waking up knowing that one of my best friends, and big sister was scheduled to have a very painful surgery, with a long recovery that night. Knowing this, I had gone to the temple that night to say some extra prayers for her and receive some peace, since I as so worried about her. I also began a fast upon hearing this news. The doctors did not know this time why Audrey could not keep her food down, and was in such horrible pain for such a prolonged time? Audrey had already finished her prescribed antibiotics from the infection not being totally gone, due to having her appendix out a few weeks before.  Even Audrey's husband who is an Internal medicine doctor did not know what was going on with her this time?

I have no doubt that prayers were heard and answered all in behalf of Audrey, such a magnificent person. Audrey did not end up having to have that painful surgery that night as I was waking up and praying over and over for her, as I know many others were as well. The doctors said it was a medical miracle what happened that night. Audrey's blood indicating infection showed to be completely normal the next morning, with out any meds. Her throwing up and pain also had stopped. They don't know the cause for these things..but what a blessing it was..

I decided that night the kids and I would take a trip to visit Audrey...It has turned out to be a wonderful trip! I couldn't stand the fact that Audrey had been through so much and I wasn't there to be a better late than never in my mind :)

I am so thankful for prayers and the knowledge that they are heard and answered. I am so thankful for my big sister whom has always watched out for me, encouraged me to do good, and been an incredible example to me through out my life.

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