Saturday, August 9, 2014

GT Program Acceptance

Brooke really enjoyed being placed in the " Gifted and Talented " class last year based upon the recommendation of previous teachers. This year as she took the test to see if she could enter the " Gifted and Talented " program she was beyond excitement when we received the letter in the mail that stated she had been accepted into the program! Brooke was literally jumping up and down with joy about her testing high enough to be accepted into the program.

That was not the end of Brooke's excitement. Upon returning to school the next day after receiving this letter, Brooke's current 2nd Grade teacher whom she absolutely adores Ms.Melnick, informed Brooke that she would be the " Gifted and Talented " teacher the following year. This meant that Brooke will get pulled out of class to be with this teacher that she adores, frequently.

This summer Brooke chose one of her summer activities to be meeting with this teacher to play math strategy games, and do challenging problem solving for fun. Brooke loves to learn, so since this was one thing she wanted to do, I figured I would not deny her of that....It's special to have a child who enjoys school work so much that they don't want to leave school for summer.

This is what Ms.Melnick wrote in a book called " Oh, the Places You'll Go " by Dr.Suess. I purchased this book at the end of Brooke's Kindergarten year, and we ask each of her teachers to write in it at the end of the year.

Dear Brooke,
I have enjoyed seeing you grow as we cruised through 2nd Grade together. You are a wonderful student, and an even more precious little girl with great character. I am so glad I will get to continue our journey together in GT.
                                                                                            Love you so much,

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