Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Shock Value

Hearing Will say to me while I was tucking him in bed the other night, " Mommy, you are so beautiful, " would have been more believable if only a couple hours before he hadn't said this to Brooke in the car while we were driving somewhere:

Will said, "Brooke, last night Daddy just put a needle in my arm and it made me die."
Brooke answered him, " But you are alive right now, so I know that did not happen Will."
Will then said , " Wait, no no, it wasn't a needle it was a box that he put me in that had needles coming out the top of it. "
Brooke then said, " But, Will, you are alive right  now talking to me. "
Will answered, " Wait, no, he trapped me so I had to get a shot."
Brooke then said, " But you said you died, and you are sitting here talking to me. "
Will then said laughing, " Brooke, it was just a dream."

Will is so smart that he knows what he says can have a large impact on people. Will especially loves the shock value, surprised faces, and seeing mouths gape open at what he says. This can be quite disturbing if you don't know Will. I actually have had to tell people to not play into what Will says sometimes, or he will start saying it more if it gets the response that he was hoping for.

Being Will's Mother is an adventure everyday. Sometimes Brooke and I just look at each other and laugh after Will speaks. Shortly after that conversation Brooke said to me, " Mommy, if everything Will said about Daddy everyday was true, Daddy would be in jail for sure."

There are some not so shocking conversations with Will as well...they are just right down cute and sweet ones....  I hope to never forget ones like this one I overheard again while driving in the car the other day:

 Brooke: Will, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Will: Spiderman and a Prince so I can get married.
Brooke: Spiderman doesn't get paid money. You can't be Spiderman.
Will: When I grow up I want to not be afraid of the dark anymore.
Brooke: But you have to make money if you want to get married and have a family Will. How will you make money? What kind of a job do you want?
Will: Well, I can get money after I take my Spiderman costume off.
Brooke: But what will your job be to make money Will? Do you want to be a police man?
Will: Oh yah, I do want to be a Police Man so that I can get the bad guys with my sword.
Brooke: Will, this is the 21st century, we have better weapons than swords...they are called guns, and Police Men don't use them hardly...they put bad guys in jail.
Will: Well I can have my sword and my guns to put them in jail.
Brooke: Will swords are too heavy for you to be carrying around.
Will: My sword is not too heavy! I carry it everyday!
Brooke: Your swords aren't like the real ones.

Being Will's Mother is a pleasure every single day. He is a very neat little person...I can't wait to see what his future holds. Will is determined and smart...Plus, being around Will in Texas in the summer is like it is Christmas everyday. Will gets a huge smile on his face every time he sees a cricket! Will loves bugs so much that I considered going to the pet store and getting him his very own bag of crickets from the pet store for his birthday. When Will finds a cricket he doesn't just smile and laugh...he has to hold it! A few days ago Will brought a lot of smiles to everyone in the shoe store  that we were at. Will was getting so much joy from holding a cricket he found in their store. He didn't even mind when it crawled down his shirt! He also carried a worm in a little white cup into the church on Sunday...You know I wondered if it was wrong for me to let him bring a worm into the church?...but I just thought people might appreciate him nice and quietly staring inside a white cup for hours vs. the things I normally have to control that he wants to do.

       This was Will's lucky day...He found a grasshopper in our garage the same day! 

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