Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Brave Knight- Will

 Aunt Audrey has a costume box that had a knight costume that fit Will perfectly! Will loved this costume so much that he wore it every single day on our trip! I could barley get it off him to go to bed at night.
As well, Will was in for a huge treat on this trip because we monitor play weapons very closely at our house, only allowing certain kinds and very few....Well, when Will found the weapon box at the Mcneill's house he was like an addict that jumped right back on the weapon wagon. Will literally carried all of the swords with him for a couple days. Will was so excited to have so many swords that he wouldn't even put them down to take a drink out of his cup!

 This was a site to see! Although the kids play that their house cat is a mountain lion, that likes to protect them in the mountains, the orange cat in this picture is their cat named " Peanut " , since the Mcneills have mountains in their back yard everyday is a day to explore and their cat follows along with them in their games! It is an incredible site to see the cat that thinks he's just one of the kids!!!!


 Of course who needs a side-kick cat, when you have the " brave knight Will" around with his sword to protect you?
I zoomed in from Aunt Audrey's balcony at her house to take these pictures of the kids playing in her mountain back yard :)

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