Friday, August 22, 2014

Cortez, Colorado

Will thought it was really awesome to fly on an airplane this time. He did keep saying as we took off and he looked out the window, " What if we fall down from the sky Mommy?" I guess he sensed the danger this could be even though I had never mentioned planes crashing or anything. He still thought it was fun, and even more fun to walk down the ramp off of the plane. Brooke was happy that she got a window seat and row all to herself, since we couldn't all sit together....she had her own row across from us!

Will loved being called " Spidey " all day in the airport with his Spiderman gear. He carried his own suitcase all the way too! He wouldn't let me help him, because he felt so big!

Just as we were arriving at the airport to our surprise Grandma was right there in the same Durango airport, and waiting to leave Colorado and go back to Texas.  Didn't expect to see Grandma and Grandpa...funny surprise!

Grandma and Grandpa's plane was delayed so they had time to get the kids and myself to Aunt Audrey's car outside and snap a pic of " Pack girls".

1 comment:

  1. so glad you were able to visit your sister!!! what a blessing to her i'm sure it was. (and for you!) being with sisters is the best.
