Sunday, May 3, 2015

Declaring Your Gender To The World

    Although your Dad is pretty thrilled that he never has to worry about you not being masculine enough, lately your mannish ways are causing me some problems. I guess if it means that I never have to see you want to wear a dress, then I am okay with the public scenes you are making almost every time that we are in public!
With the family in town we had been going out quite a bit, and that means bathroom breaks are inevitable and frequent. No matter we went to the bathroom before we left home, it;s like the public toilets are more exciting to you little ones?

Will, you have been refusing to go into any bathroom with a dress outside the door. You say over and over , " I am not a girl! I do not want to go in the girls bathroom!" You have literally been doing the potty dance outside the bathroom door and still refuse to enter with me. Then I explain that I can't send you into the males bathroom alone, and that I am not going into a boys bathroom either. Of course you are so smart that you explain the unfairness of you going into a girls bathroom, yet I wont go into the men's as you say, " Well, you aren't a boy, and I am not a girl. "

Friday I literally picked you up and brought you into the bathroom with me and sat you on the toilet.
You are screaming, " I am not going to go, I am not going to go! " Of course I am thinking how horrible of a parent I seem like to the ladies in the stall next to us. Sitting on the toilet you say, " I am just going to hold it. I am holding it! I am holding it." I can hardly believe you were doing the potty dance outside the door and that you even have the ability to hold it once I set you on the toilet!?!

Finally, I just picked you up, carried you out again and said, " Okay, I guess you can just go potty all over yourself if you want." You then declare loudly to everyone as we walk past them at the restaurant, " I am not a girl. I am not a girl. "

I didn't want to deal with potty all over your thankfully I remembered that Nordstroms has a " Family Bathroom " with a picture of two grown ups and a child outside the door....and that's where you finally released your potty.

You sure go through a lot to declare your manhood Will......

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