Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Galactic Games by my brother ( Uncle Allen )

Uncle Allen is a huge Star Wars fan! The Pack family had one of the most fun times that we have ever had together this past Christmas. Uncle Allen wrote, narrated, conducted, and commentated an entire three hour " Galactic Games " Star Wars party for us.

Each of us had to come to our ( Turano ) house with a character name, costume and back story of who we are ( like how to host a murder ). Uncle Allen then separated us into teams and we battled it off to see which family was the best fit for Jedi training.

All of the food that I prepared was Star Wars themed, and the Jedi trials all had reference to the movies.

We had fighting, mind, Star Wars trivia and dance competition trials!

I loved watching Grandma and Grandpa Pack laugh together, Tru and Grandpa dance like we never knew they could, and Kevin making up some strange alien that fell through a worm hole and ended up at our games as a Star Trek character....

We ended our night with fire works and sparklers!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Uncle Allen - My Older Brother

I enjoyed very much seeing my honorable brother, whom truly is a hero to us all - this past Christmas. I am so proud of the Captain in the Marines he was for years and now serves as an incredible FBI Agent for our country - But more honorable than all the sacrifices he has made for us - is the way that he leads his family in righteousness - a true man of God that leads his family spiritually in prayer, scripture study and service for others. He is a wonderful example to our family!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Love Language

               Brooke and Will know that their Mom is always making jewelry for friends, as gifts.
                           In fact, they know that to me making someone a necklace, or bracelet
                                 means that I love the person, since my time is limited. They
                          have learned this is a way that I show love, and they in turn try to
                           show me love in the same way. They are always getting out their own
                            materials to use as I make jewelry, so they can make some too. Only
                            when they make jewelry, they are making it for me or Grandmas all the time!

                                  I have made Brooke couple items, but this time I decided to make her
                                     a very special one with her initials and the words engraved
                                                                       Believe in Christ.

                                             I hope it make Brooke feel special, and I am so thankful that
                                           when I make necklaces for people, she and Will make them for me!
                                      It's a true witness of their love for me and I am a very blessed woman
                                             to be the mother of Brooke Lynne and William Allen..........

Christ-like Actions on Christmas Eve

I don't know if Brooke was thinking about Jesus as she was making a cupcakes for Him in celebration of " His birthday ", but she for sure was acting like Him as she made the cupcakes.

Every year our little Turano Family has a tradition of making a cake ( this year cupcakes ) on Christmas Eve. Before bed time we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus as a real reminder of why we celebrate Christmas.

This year on Christmas Eve we seemed extra busy. We had been talking about beginning to make the cake to celebrate Jesus in the evening, but we somehow were never getting to that point?

I had an Italian Christmas dinner to get ready to cook, a couple ladies that I visit teach and lonely friends that I had cookies to deliver to, and lastly my Home Health Patient's Wife( Ann ) had pretty much pleaded with me to come take care of her husband on Christmas Eve, even though I wasn't scheduled for that.

Needless to say I agreed to help everyone, and my dear sweet Brooke was helping me when I returned from taking care of Jeffery.

I walked in the door and I was reminded of the special and Christ-like daughter I have been blessed with, as I saw sweet Brooke making the cake all on her own.

I felt badly that she was working on our tradition all on her own, but I also knew that the she would be blessed for showing Jesus how much she loves Him and on her own accord.

 I thankful to walk in on time to help wrap things up and congratulate her on her devotion to Christ on Christmas. Even as her Mom was away doing His work, and her Dad and little brother were engaged in other activities, Brooke was thinking of Him.....

I know our Savior Jesus Christ felt how much Brooke loves Him as He looked upon her in service to her Mother, and as she was excited to celebrate His birthday..........

Monday, January 11, 2016

Building Houses With Candy

When I was a little girl I can remember being very excited when Grandma and Grandpa Pack were working on preparations for us to make and decorate gingerbread houses - during Christmas time. Grandma Pack used a special recipe that she still uses today to make the white icing that holds the carefully placed graham crackers up into little houses.

Maybe we made gingerbread houses when I was a child because Grandpa Pack was so accustomed to building? Grandpa Pack moved every year as a child since his dad ( Paul Pack )  headed the construction of the church buildings as his calling at church. Each time they finished building a church, they would move to the next place the church would send them - to build another.

Maybe we made gingerbread houses because Grandma Pack loves candy? Grandma Pack often tells  stories of her Dad giving her money that she could bring  to school in her pocket. Outside of Grandma's  school there was a little cart set up where she could buy candy, and this was one of her favorite childhood memories since Grandma Pack loves chocolate and candy!

I am thankful and really enjoy living near Grandma and Grandpa Pack, in order that Brooke and will get to have some of the same fun memories that I had as a child -  making gingerbread houses with Grandma and Grandpa Pack. ( and many more memories )

Daddy ( kevin ) is adding his own touches to the Pack family tradition that we are passing on to our children. Kevin thinks out side the box and always challenges the concept of the traditional house - He tries every year to make a new structure and he claims that he " would like to live in a house like the one he has created with graham crackers ".

We all love to see what Kevin will make each year, and there are no rules to how his house  looks - so we all enjoy throwing a touch of our favorite candy on top - to see how much candy it will hold until it collapses?