Monday, January 11, 2016

Building Houses With Candy

When I was a little girl I can remember being very excited when Grandma and Grandpa Pack were working on preparations for us to make and decorate gingerbread houses - during Christmas time. Grandma Pack used a special recipe that she still uses today to make the white icing that holds the carefully placed graham crackers up into little houses.

Maybe we made gingerbread houses when I was a child because Grandpa Pack was so accustomed to building? Grandpa Pack moved every year as a child since his dad ( Paul Pack )  headed the construction of the church buildings as his calling at church. Each time they finished building a church, they would move to the next place the church would send them - to build another.

Maybe we made gingerbread houses because Grandma Pack loves candy? Grandma Pack often tells  stories of her Dad giving her money that she could bring  to school in her pocket. Outside of Grandma's  school there was a little cart set up where she could buy candy, and this was one of her favorite childhood memories since Grandma Pack loves chocolate and candy!

I am thankful and really enjoy living near Grandma and Grandpa Pack, in order that Brooke and will get to have some of the same fun memories that I had as a child -  making gingerbread houses with Grandma and Grandpa Pack. ( and many more memories )

Daddy ( kevin ) is adding his own touches to the Pack family tradition that we are passing on to our children. Kevin thinks out side the box and always challenges the concept of the traditional house - He tries every year to make a new structure and he claims that he " would like to live in a house like the one he has created with graham crackers ".

We all love to see what Kevin will make each year, and there are no rules to how his house  looks - so we all enjoy throwing a touch of our favorite candy on top - to see how much candy it will hold until it collapses?

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