Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Galactic Games by my brother ( Uncle Allen )

Uncle Allen is a huge Star Wars fan! The Pack family had one of the most fun times that we have ever had together this past Christmas. Uncle Allen wrote, narrated, conducted, and commentated an entire three hour " Galactic Games " Star Wars party for us.

Each of us had to come to our ( Turano ) house with a character name, costume and back story of who we are ( like how to host a murder ). Uncle Allen then separated us into teams and we battled it off to see which family was the best fit for Jedi training.

All of the food that I prepared was Star Wars themed, and the Jedi trials all had reference to the movies.

We had fighting, mind, Star Wars trivia and dance competition trials!

I loved watching Grandma and Grandpa Pack laugh together, Tru and Grandpa dance like we never knew they could, and Kevin making up some strange alien that fell through a worm hole and ended up at our games as a Star Trek character....

We ended our night with fire works and sparklers!!!!

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