Monday, January 4, 2016

Family Tradition

This year our family was delighted that all of the Activity Day Girls  ( since I teach all girls age 8 to 11 ) could join us in our  Christmas family tradition -   Visiting the nursing home. Every year before our little family ( and sometimes friends join us ) we get together and make paper tissue flowers that the children hand out as a gift after we visit with these sweet souls in their individual rooms.

As we sang Christmas carols and visited with these grandma and grandpas, many of them teared up with joyful emotions.

As always we leave feeling very happy to have loved some of God's suffering children, and Brooke and Will always express their compassion and desire to go back and do this more often.

I will never forget how sweet Kevin was to ask those wheeling down the hall if he could help get them anywhere? One lady took him up on the help, but she became pretty worried after she said, " yes ", he said, " Do you want a fast ride? "

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