Wednesday, June 22, 2016

6 Bday For Will

I think you have had some of your wildest dreams come true lately, and you are only six-years old - today!

This past weekend in Missouri, you had the chance to fly in a small plane, and without Mom or Dad around!

Your adventure began with pancakes, the pilots saying you were too young, and that to ride with them you had to be eight-years old; then you were in crocodile tears, holding my hand while I figured out which person looked the nicest, and most likely to have compassion on a mommy and her little boy; a few min. Later you were smiling huge, and walking in hand with your sister whom proved responsible looking enough to care for you on the plane.

I don't know about your flight in the air except that while you were gone, I had at least four people ask me if I was nervous because I looked scared?

And then you rushed to my side and said, " That was awesome!!!! "

Will, having you in our lives is unpredictable, indescribably a blessing that we don't know if we will be laughing about, crying about, or scratching our heads about, at each and every moment?

One thing is certain, you are most definitely meant to be mine, and I have cherished everyday since you were born as you are my son.

Happy Sixth Birthday William Allen Turano !!!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Top Golf

We went to Top Golf with Will for the first time a couple weekends ago.

Will loved it! Will actually did better than some of us! It is too bad that Will is stubborn and would not take much advise on how to hold the club. He could have had an even higher score had he taken a couple pointers from his Dad or Grandpa Pack.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Brooke rides her first Rollercoaster

I was in complete shock that my Brooke asked, was not even persuaded, but asked if she could go on the huge rollercoaster ar Sea World, called the " Steel EEL".

It was her first rollercoster ride ever and I waa not about to not be on that car with her to witness it!

I hadn't been on a rollercoaster in 7 or 8 years because of my neck pain!

I am not sure if my telling Grandpa Pack that he needed to come sit by me, was helpful or not 😉?

Brooke road next to her Dad and I next to Grandpa Pack. Brooke was in tears and I was for sure screaming, but we still had a FUN time!

And Brooke! You are much more brave than I was at your age!

Saturday, June 4, 2016


This event was so fun! I am so glad that I held you back a year for another year of preschool. You are just too smart to understand how to deal with everything that you grasp. Just the other day I heard you lecturing your friend about why our country should never have a king. When she didn't get it you said, " We can't have a king because we should not serve anyone but God. He is already the king." 

She quickly agreed with you when you explained it like that. 

You make shocking statements that make Brooke and I laugh. You said to us a couple days ago, " I don't feel good Mommy. " I said ,  " Why?" 

You said, " I feel like I am turning into a trash can." 

Brooke and I looked at you...

You said, " Well, I guess it is because I ate paper." 

Will you think you know more than your sister who has read every Harry Potter book multiple times...

And you tell her why she misunderstood a certain part! 

You captured the cats and put them in cages the other day. You then made a sign posted it at your bedroom door and invited me into your " pet store" , where I was then charged a dollar to pet the cat! 

You amuse us and make us laugh daily! 

Stop growing up!!!!

Preschool Graduation

If this looks different it is because I am having to do blogs on my phone for lack of time! I am so behind!

This was the last pre-schooler that our little family will have. It is sad that Will is growing up, but all at the same time it is very exciting for him. 

At first glance it could appear that Will is not very sentimental as he runs around in circles, so full of energy, 

But I will tell you what, this little boy has a gigantic love for those that have taken the time to get to know him and teach him.

On the night of Will's preschool graduation Will was laying in bed and I noticed he was holding something tight. 

He truly had tears filling his eyes as he held the picture of him and his preschool teacher.

I said I am so sorry Will. He said, " I am going to miss Mrs.Betsy. she was the best teacher in the world. " 

Will tells me everyday since that he wishes he could still have Mrs.Betsy, but at Brooke's school that he can't wait to go to. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

End of 4th Grade!!!!

 Brooke had the best year 4th Grade year with her small Gifted and Talented class. One of the best things about Brooke being gifted is that she is assigned to be in the same class, with the same students, every single year!

So, although Brooke was so sad for the school year to end, and although she was literally almost in tears about leaving her two favorite teachers yet, she is very happy that she has a guaranteed spot in the class with her friends that she has been with for the past three-years!

Each year I ask Brooke's teacher to write a note for Brooke in the Dr. Seuss Book titled, " Oh The Places You'll Go". Here is what Mrs.Vang wrote to Brooke this year:


       You are an amazing young lady. You have determination to succeed which will take you great places. I love how you set yourself goals like achieving straight A's and you did it! I will miss you this summer.
                                                                                   With High Admiration,

Here are the words on a collage that Brooke's classmates used to describe Brooke:

Trustworthy,Joyful , An Awesome Friend, Sweet, Unique, Curious, Perseverance, Goal Oriented, Majestic, Cool, and Terrific!