Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Brooke rides her first Rollercoaster

I was in complete shock that my Brooke asked, was not even persuaded, but asked if she could go on the huge rollercoaster ar Sea World, called the " Steel EEL".

It was her first rollercoster ride ever and I waa not about to not be on that car with her to witness it!

I hadn't been on a rollercoaster in 7 or 8 years because of my neck pain!

I am not sure if my telling Grandpa Pack that he needed to come sit by me, was helpful or not 😉?

Brooke road next to her Dad and I next to Grandpa Pack. Brooke was in tears and I was for sure screaming, but we still had a FUN time!

And Brooke! You are much more brave than I was at your age!

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