Wednesday, June 22, 2016

6 Bday For Will

I think you have had some of your wildest dreams come true lately, and you are only six-years old - today!

This past weekend in Missouri, you had the chance to fly in a small plane, and without Mom or Dad around!

Your adventure began with pancakes, the pilots saying you were too young, and that to ride with them you had to be eight-years old; then you were in crocodile tears, holding my hand while I figured out which person looked the nicest, and most likely to have compassion on a mommy and her little boy; a few min. Later you were smiling huge, and walking in hand with your sister whom proved responsible looking enough to care for you on the plane.

I don't know about your flight in the air except that while you were gone, I had at least four people ask me if I was nervous because I looked scared?

And then you rushed to my side and said, " That was awesome!!!! "

Will, having you in our lives is unpredictable, indescribably a blessing that we don't know if we will be laughing about, crying about, or scratching our heads about, at each and every moment?

One thing is certain, you are most definitely meant to be mine, and I have cherished everyday since you were born as you are my son.

Happy Sixth Birthday William Allen Turano !!!

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