Saturday, June 4, 2016

Preschool Graduation

If this looks different it is because I am having to do blogs on my phone for lack of time! I am so behind!

This was the last pre-schooler that our little family will have. It is sad that Will is growing up, but all at the same time it is very exciting for him. 

At first glance it could appear that Will is not very sentimental as he runs around in circles, so full of energy, 

But I will tell you what, this little boy has a gigantic love for those that have taken the time to get to know him and teach him.

On the night of Will's preschool graduation Will was laying in bed and I noticed he was holding something tight. 

He truly had tears filling his eyes as he held the picture of him and his preschool teacher.

I said I am so sorry Will. He said, " I am going to miss Mrs.Betsy. she was the best teacher in the world. " 

Will tells me everyday since that he wishes he could still have Mrs.Betsy, but at Brooke's school that he can't wait to go to. 

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