Saturday, June 4, 2016


This event was so fun! I am so glad that I held you back a year for another year of preschool. You are just too smart to understand how to deal with everything that you grasp. Just the other day I heard you lecturing your friend about why our country should never have a king. When she didn't get it you said, " We can't have a king because we should not serve anyone but God. He is already the king." 

She quickly agreed with you when you explained it like that. 

You make shocking statements that make Brooke and I laugh. You said to us a couple days ago, " I don't feel good Mommy. " I said ,  " Why?" 

You said, " I feel like I am turning into a trash can." 

Brooke and I looked at you...

You said, " Well, I guess it is because I ate paper." 

Will you think you know more than your sister who has read every Harry Potter book multiple times...

And you tell her why she misunderstood a certain part! 

You captured the cats and put them in cages the other day. You then made a sign posted it at your bedroom door and invited me into your " pet store" , where I was then charged a dollar to pet the cat! 

You amuse us and make us laugh daily! 

Stop growing up!!!!

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