Friday, June 3, 2016

End of 4th Grade!!!!

 Brooke had the best year 4th Grade year with her small Gifted and Talented class. One of the best things about Brooke being gifted is that she is assigned to be in the same class, with the same students, every single year!

So, although Brooke was so sad for the school year to end, and although she was literally almost in tears about leaving her two favorite teachers yet, she is very happy that she has a guaranteed spot in the class with her friends that she has been with for the past three-years!

Each year I ask Brooke's teacher to write a note for Brooke in the Dr. Seuss Book titled, " Oh The Places You'll Go". Here is what Mrs.Vang wrote to Brooke this year:


       You are an amazing young lady. You have determination to succeed which will take you great places. I love how you set yourself goals like achieving straight A's and you did it! I will miss you this summer.
                                                                                   With High Admiration,

Here are the words on a collage that Brooke's classmates used to describe Brooke:

Trustworthy,Joyful , An Awesome Friend, Sweet, Unique, Curious, Perseverance, Goal Oriented, Majestic, Cool, and Terrific!

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