Sunday, November 13, 2016

Brooke helps Will with his talk

 Upon finding out that I was going to help Will write and give a three min. talk on reverence this Sunday, Brooke excitedly told me that she would help Will and that she wanted to help him in the Primary Room as he would speak in the microphone as well. Brooke got Will so excited for his talk that when we walked into Sacrament Meeting today, Will said as we went to sit down on the benches, " But, I thought I got to sit up there today to give my talk! " He was ready to speak infront of the whole congreagation, not just the Primary children! 

It was very sweet to watch Brooke passionately teach Will about what it meant to be reverent this morning, but if you sat behind us during that first hour of church today, you would have thought roudy aliens had overtaken my sweet children's bodies! I even reminded them, " I thought you both knew what it means to be reverent now that Will is speaking on it! " 

Brooke immeaditely said sorry. 

Brooke is such a kind, and nurturing sister, but she isn't that way only to her brother. Brooke often tells me about other children that she worries about at school and that she tries to help feel more accepted. 

I am so thankful to have Brooke to teach and set a good example to her brother, amd all of us. 

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