Friday, November 25, 2016

God's at Work in Kevin's Work

November is always an exciting month for Kevin because it marks another year that his company survived and had success. It is also the month that Kevin was born although I am never supposed to mention his birthday, we are so thankful he was born. ;)

Kevin is a very hard worker who never gives up! Brooke and Will are blessed with a great example in their Father of determination. Even with all the odds against him as ninety percent of small business fail, Kevin's company made the thirteen-year anniversary this November.

More than anything in regards to this feat, I am deeply thankful that this year, I believe it is quite obvious that God has graciously been at work in helping Kevin in his work.

Kevin and I must be going on lots of dates to celebrate this because when listing what they think Mommy likes a few days ago, Will said, " One of Mommy's favorite things to do is go on dates!, oh and she prays all day like Enos." HAHA!!!

I am glad Brooke and Will know that despite working a lot and working hard, Daddy can look forward to dates with Mommy, when of course she can take a break from " praying like Enos, all day!"

Happy Birthday Kevin on Nov.15th! The doctor said you had the heart of a thirty-year old!!! That must be because you party like your in your twenties. ;)

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