Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Lately I have been referring to Will as Mr.Scrooge.
Will has been asking if he can either have the money in my wallet, or if he can earn some money by cleaning something for me? On a few occasions Will has talked his Dad into taking him to his office to clean it, and earn money that way; but Daddy's hourly rate is not nearly as generous as Mommy's. ;)

Will has been successful on both accounts because he is so convincing at times. ;)

Will has been saving up all of these dollars that he earns, and every few days he randomly says, " Can You please take me to the bank? " The bank seems to have become one of Will's favorite places!

But, the reason I have been calling Will Mr.Scrooge is not because he likes to go to the bank, and make money, it is because he wants to go to the bank, he waits in line so patiently, and asks the Bank Teller to turn his dollars into. "golden" dollar coins for him. Will then takes the dollar coins home, stacks them up, and stares at them, plays with them, shines them, and enjoys them! So, I have been calling him Mr.Scrooge....

Well the Mr.Scrooge in my house took me by surprise a few days ago with his own change of heart in regards to his " golden coins ".

As I picked Brooke and Will up from school a few days ago Will announced right as he entered the car,
" I do not have as much money as I used to."

Brooke and I were surprised and said, " Where did your money go Will?"

Will began to explain that two of his classmates were acting very poorly during story time that day. Will even showed us by mimicking the children with flailing arms and legs in the back seat of our car. He said, " I didn't want them to act so bad, so I told them that if they acted good the rest of the day, I would pay them each one dollar. "

Brooke and I were trying to keep straight faces at that point...

Will continued, " Only one of them behaved better the whole day, so I only had to pay him. Now I have one dollar less. "

Will says that he didn't want the children to misbehave for the teacher, but I think Will is also smart, and was trying to show these other classmates who " he " thinks is in charge, or should be anyways! Haha!

Needless to say Mr.Scrooge did show some compassion to his teacher in his own way, but he is still getting onto me for cleaning up his stacks of coins off my tables each day as he returns from school.

I just know how much he enjoys stacking those " gold coins" back up....$$$$

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