Monday, November 28, 2016

Tennessee Memories

The great thing about going to Tennessee to celebrate Thanksgiving with Uncle Allen (Mommy's older brother), and his family is that we didn't just have fun doing fun things together, laughing together, and sharing our gratitude with each other; we will have these memories to hold onto forever.

One of the fun things that we did in Tennessee was ice-skating!!!

It was so cool to see Will slipping and sliding at first, but by the end he was working on going faster, not slipping and sliding! As we left the rink Will said, " I need ice-skating lessons Mommy. I want to get better at it." I am glad Will knows that if you want to get better at something, you have to do the work!

Brooke always seems so happy when she is ice-skating. Brooke had fun taking turns holding all of her cousins hands while skating, and I especially enjoyed skating hand in hand with my princess.

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