Thursday, November 14, 2019

Our Music and Testimony

Brooke and Will, 
As you know, I keep this journal with pictures and print it in a book for you, so that someday you won't have me right next to you, but you will have all of my love for you and Our Savior written down, that you can share and know what I would have said if I wasn't there to say it. You know I would say I love you and that is why I want to capture the things I adore about you in this book. 

I have never written about my music to you, and I can't really call it " my" music because it belongs to so many, like Heavenly Father whom allowed me to meet a friend that wrote and shared music, which made me see that I could do that also, as a way to share my love and testify of God the Father as Jesus Christ; it belongs to Your Grandparents whom have paid for some, your Father whom let me choose what to purchase at the time he could be generous in funds, and it belongs to you because you both were a driving reason that I wanted to have my love for God documented; so that you could always turn on one of the songs I wrote and recorded and feel the difference that Heavenly Father makes in our lives as we think about Him and even do everything that could point back to Him.  
Of course it belongs to Brad Davis whom played every instrument! Added thoughts and scripture sometimes! 

I hope you will remember the times that we have all gone to the studio together and the hot chocolate from " Mugs ", the coffee shop we love across the street from the studio. 

Will, You are always excited to be at the studio and part of the recording process and I want you to know that each time that I have recorded a song that is not about Jesus Christ, you have been disappointed. You say, " But, I thought you want to write music for Jesus!?" You are always the first one to ask if I come home from the studio, to hear my song..You even put my album cover as the first picture you hung in your room. I know someday that will be replaced by a picture of something else besides your Mom! 

Brooke, You don't ever have to wonder if you have a pretty voice as you think you don't, because I have literally thousands of people whom think my voice is pretty and I will tell you that it is a are a better vocalist than me. I hope that you see that as you get older and more confident. 

When you share the story of our music someday, I hope that you remember you inspired me to leave something good on the earth for your faith in Jesus Christ, and because of my love for Him and you...
Heavenly Father let it bless others. 

He answers my prayer that I can be able to share His gospel and He will answer all of your prayers too. 

I can not imagine how sweet it will be one day when I get to stand in person with my Savior and say, " I wrote these songs for you....and about you...will you listen to them? " 

I know He knows that I wanted to use what He gives me for His glory and I know that you both will use all you are given to glorify Him also.

 Mommy 💝

Don't forget that you played on my songs ( piano Brooke! I heard Him Come )

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The sweetest thing about Brooke and Disney

At first Brooke didn't even want to go to Disney World when I told her we were going! Grandpa Pack recently took our family to Disney World. I was right in knowing Brooke just didn't know how much she'd love a trip to a magical place, with rides, treats, and fireworks like she had never seen ( well, since last time she went at Five-years old ).

Brooke didn't like rollercoasters when she was ten-years old after riding one at Sea World. Things change, because this time she didn’t throw up on the Tea Cups like she did when she was Five-years old.

Brooke now loves rollercoasters like a thrill seeker!
Brooke loved going on the Rock ‘N Roller Coaster twice, and running full speed to get on The Mount Everest Rollercoaster....upon realization the line was only 5 min. And riding it over and over!

The sweetest thing that happened with Brooke at Disney was not when I was able to convince her to wear Minnie ears with me, nor was it when we both delighted in our Mickey ears ice cream together; it was when Brooke heard Will talking about the fact that he was only a few dollars short in buying another souvenir with his own money. With out hesitation BROOKE offered up her own babysitting money, to make up the difference. It might not seem like a lot at a 5 dollar difference, but Brooke saves and counts all of her earned dollars from her jobs.

It was so sweet to see her take Will to the register and purchase the toy with him.

Today when I saw all of the things left on the counter in the morning, I thought about grumbling to myself, but I didn't Because I saw a bag with all kinds of canned food in it. I didn't know exactly what you had that for, and why you forgot to take it with you, but I know enough about your efforts to contribute independently to good causes, and to independently care for others on your accord, that I had the thought....there is a reason for this, and that's charity for Brooke, and she forgot this...A few hours later I received the text from the school that the food drive for homeless would end later in the week.

You are going to lead the future generation in your responsible out look and desire to make others feel cared for as a smart, hardworking contributor.

While myself or other teenagers might be thinking about what the next fad or fashion they are trying to keep up with is, you Brooke were thinking about others this morning even in a rush to get to school.

I am so proud of the empathy that you have for God's children, and I am blessed to be your Mother.

       Mom 💝

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Eighth-Grade Brooke

Brooke is in eighth grade and continues to not only grow taller than me, but growing into this adult that seems as if it can not be held in that she is wise and advanced beyond her age.

A few days ago Brooke explained to me that she got a workers permit. I said, " Brooke why did you need a workers permit and I honestly have never heard of a thirteen-year old doing that? "

Brooke explained that she has been researching places she can get a job when she turns fourteen and what is required.

She told me how she thought she would be a good employee because she has straight A's , she is responsible, and has CPR cert. Etc..

I said, " Brooke you wouldn't only be a good employee, you'd be a good President of the place of employment you choose to work at. "

In fact, Brooke has recently been called to be the President of her church class the "Beehives" at church.

At first Brooke was unsure about being asked to lead the girls her age, but with confidence Brooke has now told me she has liked being in charge of activities and conducting the class on Sundays.

During this recent General Conference Brooke , I watched Brooke taking detailed notes and categorizing what she was writing down, into quotes, scriptures, etc.
Which she thought were important.

Brooke made a jeopardy game for her class to play about General Conference talks all on her own!

I feel proud of the leader and spiritual strength you are becoming.
More than leading in meetings, details of events, the greatest leading you do is for your little brother. Each time you make the church calling you have, or the prayers you say sincere and priority, you are leading Will to see what love for the gospel looks like. You will do this as a Mother as well. I know your example of service will be an even greater blessing than your abilities..your efforts are the greatest thing you give. Even when, as imperfect humans our efforts will always fall short, our Savior can compensate.

I love you Brooke,
You are my princess, Love Mommy💝

Friday, September 6, 2019

Third Grade Begins For Will

 Will has had a great start to his Third Grade year! With Will's excitement of getting our new puppy that he named himself, and having one of his good friends Aiden, whom lives just across the street, get put in his class; things couldn't be better for Will, this fall! Not to mention an upcoming trip to Disney!

The most admirable thing about Will and this start to the new year was when one boy wouldn't let Aiden, his friend, play with them. Will told me about it that day after school. Upon me suggesting all kind of things he said, " I just need time and I will take care of it myself tomorrow. "

Sure enough the next day Will reported that he had resolved the problem, and stood up for his friend the next day.

Will is obviously a boy because he didn't feel a need to discuss or receive guidance on this kid drama.

Will was mature to tell me about it, and let me know he was going to figure it out himself, and he sure did!

A couple nights ago I was reading a book to Will before bed when something beautiful came about from our reading.

Will, I am always so proud of your love for our Savior and your testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As I was reading you a book and the character in the book stated that the most powerful thing a person can have is a positive attitude, you quickly exclaimed, " Mom, that's not true! "

I said, " Well Will, what do you think is the most powerful thing a person can have? "

You proudly stated, " Jesus Christ is the most powerful thing and your faith in Him. "
I was so happy you knew that Will!

Then you went on to say , " Even the Holy Ghost gives you more power than being positive because he helps you. "

You have a truly strong testimony of the things that are true Will, and I am so blessed to be your Mother.

After we read that book you must have felt the spirit about bearing your testimony Will, because you said, " I like you reading me that book. Thank you for reading to me Mom. "

Your spiritual gift of gratitude was enhanced because you felt the spirit in your testimony Will!

You are a good boy that also makes sure your cat Hulky that you love, doesn't feel left out because of your new puppy, that you named, " Waffles ".

I love you my prince Will,

Love, Mommy 💝

Friday, August 9, 2019


Uncle Allen makes sure that each family reunion that we have, we play these exciting games with a theme that gets everyone into character!

This time we had a pirate theme at his house, in his backyard, and by his pool.

Contests by groups, competing against each other as teams we were timed by Captain Jack Sparrow ( Uncle Allen ) in diving for gold and collecting gems, racing across the pool while the Black Beard chased us  ( Grandpa Pack ) , and singing" A Pirates Life " .

Actually Will's team won  the games, and so he was named the new Captain of the Black Pearl .

Uncle Allen is thoughtful to help us all have fun and get all the kids excited to play in character and team.


Sunday, July 28, 2019

Family Reunion

A few weeks ago we had a " Pack Family Reunion "

It is a rare and tremendous blessing to have all of the siblings, cousins, and grandparents come together at once.

When telling a friend about this gathering it was made known to me that having a family that each person gets along and wants to spend time together is not common.

We celebrate our faith in Jesus Christ when we get together first and foremost and so I am sure that is one reason we all get along.

We all enjoy playing games, hearing stories from each others lives, and talking about similar interests like working out, playing guitar, playing magic games for some, and talking superheroes for the little boys and Uncle Allen .

What a great chance we have to live in a time when we can travel quickly by car or plane, and that our lives are convenient so we can play pirate games by the pool instead of bake our bread and plow the field all day.

What a miracle that we live in a time that the sealing power is on the earth and families can be united after death, forever.

I am grateful for more than a family that gets along, but for a family that prays together, has strong bonds of faith, and devotion to the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Truly, Grandma and Grandpa Pack are receiving the blessings of Abrahams promise and that can be seen as you see them with their Grandchildren.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Three times a charm

Three times a charm, or three times a witness? They say that by the mouth of three witnesses the truth will be made known. I don't know if that counts when speaking of children speaking, but I feel like Brooke has given her witness that she wants to serve a mission when she is old enough.

First, a few weeks ago Brooke proclaimed to  all of us in the car that she used to not want to go on a mission, but she kept seeing that every single missionary she met is so happy, so she decided she wanted to go on a mission.

A few days later when talking about cousins and how old they are, Brooke made the comment that she would be on her mission at the time they had reached that age.

And lastly, yesterday Will asked Brooke if when she turned old enough to get an apartment, if she would get one with an empty room so he could put his pet ferrets in it? And, not just one, but an entire room full of ferrets, just for him? Brooke actually stopped and thought about this. I saw her pause, and you might think her answer would be, " No! I don't want a room full of your ferrets in my first apartment!" But, instead, she thoughtfully considered and realized that her first apartment she lived in,

she would be on a mission! She said, " Will, they won't let you have pets on your mission and my first apartment will be when I go on a mission! "

Even if she changes her mind when she is old enough, it is a blessing to hear that Brooke has been touched by the happy spirits that missionaries possess.

It is a blessing that while most teens think about what their first apartment will have in it, my teenager didn't take thought to what she would have, but what she was planning to give to the Lord.

That's my treasure that you have felt of the truth of the Restored Gospel Brooke.

Brooke I know that the happy spirit you have felt has come from the fruits of the spirit which those sacrificing what some would call the greatest years of their lives,  (because of freedom to party, no parents to give rules, and having as much fun as possible before committing to a person or job) ; rather calling the entry into adulthood the greatest years of their lives because they had every min. And hour to sacrifice for the building of God's Kingdom on earth.

So with your witness, I add mine that you will be happy as you seek the Kingdom of God and if you spend time teaching the gospel, as you enter adulthood.

I am grateful to have such a daughter and more so blessed to have a plan and forgiveness from our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Love, Mommy

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Girls Camp 2019

          At first Brooke was not thrilled about me going to Girls Camp as a leader in her group, this summer; but all turned out great for her to the point she really didn't want me to leave after the two days that I was there.

    I was very impressed and proud of you because originally when you found out that you were not going have any of your friends from your ward, in your group at camp, you didn't want to go. You started to cry and explain how going with your friends in the ward was the point. I kind of agreed with you, but as a parent that needs to trust in the leaders at church, I explained that this was your opportunity to experience making more friends from church, which you eventually will see around here and there at stake activities.
You felt my sincere compassion about your feelings, but trusted what the church leaders did too and about 15 min. Later you told me, " Okay. I will see my friends at free time." You went to camp with a great attitude and mindful of the others that might feel the same way as you.

I heard a lot of girly complaints at camp as a leader, and I even heard some comments that were not as kind, but none of them came from you Brooke.

You were the first one to give help and the one that all the other girls knew would be a safe place to come talk to you.

Thank you for keeping the humble and kind heart that you have, even when sometimes choosing another way could be easier as a teenager among other teenage girls .

Thank you for wanting to be a spiritual strength to the Lord's Kingdom in your Young Women class, where I hear from your teachers that you always give the greatest insight into your lessons and class time.

You are my princess and I love you Brooke.

One day, you are going to be a great YCL as you are already telling me what you'd do a to make camp awesome!