Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ice skating

Six years ago when Brooke was just the size of a bean inside of me, Kevin and I had extensive conversations about what kind of parents we would be to this little girl that we would soon have. We even made bets about what color her eyes and hair would be, and the things she would like. We wrote all these things down in a book just for Brooke. One of the things Kevin said was that he thought that Brooke would like was ice skating, and that he wanted her to to take lessons. We both agreed that she would never do any sport as competitively as I did gymnastics, since dedicating that much time to one thing as a child was not our preference. After five years of parenting we now realize as a parent, you don't really get to choose the sport your children will like. Brooke and I did however make a trip to the mall for about an hour last week and she asked to watch the ice skating lessons that were taking place in the mall. Since Will was asleep in the stroller we watched for about 30 min. She was very impressed and was super excited when I told her that we could take her that weekend and teach her to ice skate. Kevin took her on the ice first. It was very fun to watch them and their huge smiles on their faces, stumbling around on the ice. Brooke did very well, and after some practice, she could actually skate backwards holding his hands. Kevin held Will after awhile, and Brooke did even better with me. Probably thinking that if she did fall, I wouldn't be as good as Daddy at catching her. It was a great time! The Nestle Toll House cookies couldn't be passed up either ;)

1 comment:

  1. fun!! the star center here in mckinney offers decently priced lessons. my girls did a session there last fall and loved it! i myself have never iceskated in my life! i just watch:) i have no all. its sad-lol. joey is the opposite. he rocks it:)
