Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our little boy, is such a boy

It is certainly clear that Will is a boy. Will has started growling all the time. He clenches his fists, holds them out like Tarzan would, and lets out his growl, that follows with a manly shake of the head and shoulders. Grandpa and Grandma Pack were visiting for dinner and Grandpa and Will had a little growling match. It was almost like communication of cave men. Will has to be moving all the time. I am counting my blessings that he can't walk yet. I know when that happens, my life will have come to the point of no return, in terms of any relaxation that I had left. If I still had any? Will loves his sister so much. They are like a barrel of monkeys. The laughing is constant and the playing just never ends. Will eats a lot. Rice cereal is his favorite, followed by sweet potatoes or squash. Will has started to dance and try to sing whenever he hears music. He still always has a smile on his face, unless he can't play with the keys, because I have to start the car to drive. In which case he gets very upset. My baby crush,( as Kevin calls it) has lead me to carrying one key around so he can't hear the clanking of many keys together, and not be able to play with them. He is too smart for the baby toys keys. He is 9 months old, and he brightens everyday with his smile and laughs.


  1. What a cutie!! It is amazing how much they learn and grow that first year. Love that smile!

  2. So cute! We recently changed the locks - maybe I should send you my old keys for him to have his own keyring. haha!!
