Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our family has little lessons once a week when we can remember to do it. We try to keep it short and pretty casual. This week Brooke would have nothing to do with a casual lesson. She insisted that I stand in front of the table while the rest of the family attentively sat on the couch to listen to me. I followed her request because I am glad she is into the lessons. We had our lesson about being an example. We read the scripture in Mathew 5:16 : " Let your light so shine, before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven. " Then we read a short story about two sisters. The older sister disobeyed her parents and lied about it. When the younger sister obeyed, and was honest with her Mother, it made the older sister want to be honest about what she had done. After the story, we played a game about naming if an action was right or wrong. After we finished the game, Brooke wanted to be the teacher and she was very serious about it. She stood behind the table, with all certainty that she had a lesson to teach us. And we did learn. It let us into her little mind about what she was sure about might be right or wrong, and a few things that she may think about, but is just not sure what to think about them. Here is a list of her questions:

What if you wanted to make your cat clean up your mess, instead of you cleaning it up?
What if you splattered cake batter on the floor?
What if you read a book about Jesus?
What if you didn't take off your shoes when you came in the house?
What if you saw a mermaid in the pool and it started talking to you, and then it got legs? ( She had a totally serious face in this question. It was hard for Kevin and I to keep a straight face. Kevin answered that the right thing to do, would be put it in the bathtub. )
What if you already know what the weather is going to be, but you keep watching the news all day? ( This came from our snow storms we had, and Kevin watched the weather all day, and I think I made her think it was bad, because I said to Kevin, " All you are doing it watching the weather."

One thing is for certain; we learned that Brooke knows that messes are bad. Maybe I need to lighten up on that, otherwise I may be emphasizing too much of something that really doesn't matter that much (in perspective of things that she will really need to recognize are wrong).
I love how Brooke loves to lead and teach. I think she is great at it, even as a five year old.

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