Saturday, March 19, 2011

Texas hoe down

It was fourteen years ago that both Kevin and I came to Texas. Kevin came from Kansas City, Missouri and I came from Salt Lake City, Utah. Neither of us knew to what kind of an amazing place that we were moving too. It is true, that everything is bigger and better in Texas. Although, we'd like to claim we are Texans, we don't have the pleasure of doing so. Our children will, however. They will say they grew up in McKinney, Texas. Voted in the top 100 best places to live. CNN Money Magazine 2010. Voted number 5, out of those 100. We love living in such a family oriented place, with great shopping malls, die hard Christians and conservatives.

Brooke is learning already what it means to be a Texan. She got to dress up as a Cow Girl at the preschools Hoe Down. They had a little program singing about the pioneers that came to Texas. They ate Chili and cornbread, while they sang around their camp fire. We are trying to teach Brooke to have her Texas pride, but we always mention that Texas is the way it is, because of the way that people vote. We take her to vote with us, so she can see how it is done. We have talks about how women didn't have the chance to vote in the past, and how in other countries, even now, many people don't get to choose who will lead their country. Brooke is lucky that her Dad just works down the street from her preschool. Kevin got to run out of the office for a quick lunch, to watch her program about TEXAS.


  1. I think one of my favorite programs they do at preschool is the Hoedown. I love to see all the kids dressed up in their western wear and hear them sing the songs. I love Texas and glad we moved to Texas too!

  2. i love texas!! born and raised and proud of it! :) everything IS bigger and better here :)and i rock the conservative vote too emily. i love the Christian/conservative atmosphere Texas has. hope it stays that way!!!!
