Thursday, March 3, 2011


There is always a lot of creativity in our house. Our free time seems to be dedicated to projects lately. In fact, if you ask Brooke what she would like to be when she gets older, she will tell you three things: An inventor, an artist, or a Mom. Some of the things that Brooke has been talking about inventing is a "Tornado catcher". Her idea is that when someone sees the tornado they can use her machine, that is like a big vacuum and suck it up. She also wants to invent a " Dream Machine " , that will build anything that you want. When I ask what she would have it make she says, " A castle, a real unicorn, a playground, and a toothless toy dragon. " She talks about inventing a " Snack tent " Where people can buy them, and put them in the backyard. Her idea is that the tent will have a slot that will shoot out any snack that a person could want. This Wednesday we got to use our creativity at Brooke's school, for the day was declared " Wacky Wednesday " . Here are some pictures of our future inventor.

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