Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break Festivities

Kevin started our spring break with a SILLY surprise! Daddy had come home from work to take Brooke on a special errand while Mommy and Will napped. Will had been sick and up all night. As soon as we woke up, Brooke ran into the room and said, " Daddy got you a surprise Mommy, and it's in the garage. " When I saw it I started picturing what uses this strange bike could have? I thought maybe someday we wont have a car and we could use it for grocery shopping? It shouldn't have been hard to figure out, since Kevin's most important request when we chose our new house was that it was close enough to the pool. I guess five houses away isn't close enough, because Kevin still doesn't want to walk! He bought this old Schwinn bike with a basket big enough that he can put me, Brooke and the baby in it at once. His plan is ride us down to the pool in it, all summer.

Believe it or not, we have got hours of fun out of this bike already! We had Angie, her Mother Lori, Dominic, Brittany, and Cameron stop in for an overnight stop on Sat and it just made our weekend awesome! Brooke and Brittany got rides around the block in our new bike. I don't know who was more tired of pulling them, Kevin or Dominic? Domonic as always, was the MVP with Brooke and Brittany following him everywhere. Meanwhile, the Ladies played with the babies in the house. Kevin rescued Dominic with some time on the go-peds and building a fire in the backyard for awhile, when finally the little princesses started getting tired. Another highlight of the weekend was when " Mama Lori " got Will to take a bottle and fall fast asleep in her arms! I was ecstatic to imagine all the new possibilities. In the morning we went to Story Book Ranch and rode some ponies ( Will loved to pet the ponies. He was laughing ), bounced on the bounce house and finished our visit with burgers from Mooyahs. But, actually that wasn't quiet the end. It ended with Brooke in tears that her sweet cousin Brittany had to go. On her own accord Brooke, even ran back to the van to tell Brittany that she loves her, for one more goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. that bike is awesome! i want one! :) you look so cute riding in the back emily!
