Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mother knows Best. Wills finally asleep. zzzzzzzz

I strongly believe in a mothers intuition. I also have learned in the past ten months, that every child is different, and each one needs specific treatment, and guidance. A mother who seeks through prayer, can find what the specific needs for her child are. Five months ago, when Will was waking very literally, every half an hour, many people suggested I let him cry himself to sleep. Even though I felt it was wrong I tried it. I let him cry for ten min. without going to him, and when I picked him up after that ten min. had passed, he continued to cry for four hours straight. I then made my final choice, to not let him cry, until I felt very impressed that it was time. I am glad I followed my gut feeling because since that time, Will has had three ear infections, and has gotten six teeth in. I feel so thankful, although I was tired, that I could be there for Will in his time of pain. I believe that experience created extra bonding between Will and me. I am thankful that Kevin is so supportive in my choices I make as a Mother, for his answer, is always that I am the Mother and he supports whatever I decide. Even if that meant countless sleepy days. He only slept on the couch maybe once a week.
This week I felt a strong impression that it was time to let Will cry. It took two nights of forty- five min. and once two hours of on and off crying, until he would finally lay down to sleep. Our third night last-night , he awoke once for five min. I AM SO PROUD OF MY LITTLE WILL.
I also know prayers of family and Friends helped Will, to learn to soothe himself to sleep.


  1. yea will!!!!!! :) and i completely agree about a mothers intuition. people can give advice but unless you feel right about it, you shouldn't take it. all kids are different. i haven't done things exactly the same for any of my kids. similar things, yes, but not exactly. glad you finally felt it was time and glad you will ALL get better sleep! hope it continues. love and prayers!

  2. He is just one darn cute little boy! I am so happy that you guys made it through that difficult time. And good for you for sticking with your gut feeling. Mothers always know whats right for their own child. Yay for better sleeping!!

  3. Yay!! I agree Mothers know whats best for their chidren. He is so adorable!
