Monday, November 28, 2011

Grandpa Turano

William Leonard Turano ( left hand side in Photo)

Born in Brooklyn, NY

Raised in Saint Albans

Attended Saint Catherine's Grade School

Attended Xavier High School Military Academy in New York City (run by Jesuits)

Attended Saint John's University

Attended New York Medical College

Married in 1964 to Dorothy Mistretta

Graduated New York Medical College in 1966, OBGYN
(his first son was born just before graduation and 3 more children followed)

Interned at Nassau Hospital and completed a four year residency

Dorothy - Almost too many interest to mention but here goes:

Trivia to include Sports, Politics, etc.
Plays Piano and collects music sheets
Enjoys planting trees (or should we say 'digging holes')
Antique cars and sharing them
Great sense of humor (and learning to use it carefully - I think?)
Daily searches on the web connected to stock markets
Great interest in TV or should we say every sport that there is
Champion 'Oh Hell' card player
New interest of deer watching and squirrel shooting

Kevin- Favorite things about him;

-He is always there for advice or discussion particularly regarding business, family, medical, trees and interesting point of view on politics and news
-Answers his phone a solid 95% of the time
-Can look at something and find something weird that few other would see about it and make it funny or inappropriate ...or funny and inappropriate ...or so inappropriate that it is funny
-Will tell you his point of view without candy coating

Enjoyable things to do with him:
-Watching him get people bent out of shape
-Watching sports or movies with
-Seeing how many more new trees and shrubs he can stuff onto his lots
-Gambling (back in the day)
-Being able to discuss things with him that only few people would "get"
-Playing cards, and Uno

Non-enjoyable things;
- Being at same table as him when he gets the restaurant waitstaff bent out of shape
- 90% of his movie pics

Some favorite memories:
-Vegas for turning 21 and then again Vegas
-Playing basketball
-Listening to the piano
-Fixing cars and body work on the 1969 Firebird
-Swap n Shops

PS- Be sure to visit his website !!! (note: that is Wiliam with one (1) "L")

Emily's favorite things about him- You never know what to expect with him, maybe you will want to laugh, or sometimes cry, but the bottom line is that he is a very honest, very trustworthy, very hardworking, very generous, very funny, very intelligent, very interesting, and extremely loved by his family.

I always appreciate the medical advise, the excellent steak he makes when he comes in town, the trips that he makes to the store with Kevin, to pick up things  that we forgot, the patience he has when it comes to explaining directions to us, the late night movies, and Uno games, piano he plays, fun and interesting facts that he mentions, hearing another perspective from him, and mostly I am so appreciative of the great Father and Friend that he is to Kevin.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Grandma Turano

Dorothy Elaine Mistretta Turano

Born 11-20-41

Brooklyn, NY

Raised in Glendale, Queens, NY

Graduated our lady wisdom High School 1955-1959

Graduated Saint John's University 1959-1963

Degree: Education

Married 7-4-64

Children, Leonard, Doreen, Kevin and Jeff

Kevin - When I was a child, I recall whenever my friends would come over to our house, it was almost certain that they would let me know that my Mother is very pretty. I recall thinking "hmmmn.... ya that is accurate". Thank goodness I take after her side of the family ;)  Interestingly, it seems like I really got to know my mother better when I went off to college.  I would look forward to talking to her.  She was my rock of foundation during my renaissance.  I literally could not wait to come back home to visit.  (even though I would not mention that out loud)  When I came back in town it seemed like I would always bring a humongous loud of laundry with me.  I'm still not sure how to replicate the perfect folds and wonderful fresh smell of her laundry!  Wow, I did not intend to make this about laundry.  Anyway, you could sum this lady up by saying "she is a good mom" - and that is fantastic.  Most of my favorite memories of my mom  involve one on one situations.  Mainly because when she is around other people she goes into work mode, and she has an amazing energy to execute tasks.  She is like a CEO of home making.

Emily - Your Grandma Turano is one of those infulential women that leaves a mark on the world. She greets others with a friendly face, and befriends all kinds of people along her journey. And journey, is exactly what she view this life to be. She takes the journey with love for family, friends, reading, meditating, music and faith in God.

Brooke - I like when Grandma Turano comes to visit when it's my birthday party. I always pray for Grandma's hurt knee to get better.
The visits that we have with Grandma Turano are cherished, and leave us wishing that we could see her more often. We wish we could be there on this day, to celebrate your beautiful, loving, intelligent Grrandmother.
Happy Birthday Dorothy! We love you so very much!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From us ALL, for KEVIN

                                                              Because Kevin was born,
                                                      my world got a whole lot brighter.                                            
                                                 The words " I love you " seem inadequate.
                                                  Time with out him , moves at glacial pace.
                                           The meaning of fun, gained three times more excitement.
                                                      Fatherhood, never seemed so attractive.
                                                Friendship, meant forever and no matter what.
                                                The Golden Rule, never had a better servant.
                                             Hard work, found someone who found it a privilege.
                                  Not putting priorities in the right place, wouldn't even stand a chance.
                                                          Loyalty, met a life long advocate.
                                          Positivity, found someone who would put it to the test.
                                                       Creativity, met it's partner in crime.
                                                         A grudge, isn't in his vocabulary.
                                                Smiles would be spread, wherever he went.
                                     Life, wouldn't be the same to so many people, without Kevin.
               Happy Birthday to a beautiful person, to the man that I love, and from one very lucky girl.
                                                                       - Emily Turano

                                           These are Kevin's families, favorite things about him:

Brooke says: Daddy always takes me to sneak out of the house. He plays silly with me, and we like to invent stuff.

Kevin's Dad (William) :

 # 1 Kevin's map problems: While attending MSU he had to get back to school early over Thanksgiving. Kevin some how went north to Omaha instead of south to Springfield MO. Bad sense of direction.
#2 He Tested his tires out at raytown high  football field and not in the parking lot
 #3 He put a hot tub in his 2nd floor apt. Imagine it sprung a leak! Free showers below-  EVICTION -

Mom Pack ( Vilma ) :
I like so many things about Kevin it is too hard to keep this short.  Here are just a few of the things I like about Kevin.  I like how nice and thoughtful Kevin is.  He went out of his way to buy front row seats for a "Tribute to Abba" concert for Brooke, Emily, and me because we all liked the movie Mama Mia, he sent me chocolate covered strawberries for Mother's Day, and he is a gentleman.  Kevin is a fun loving guy and he wants everyone around him to share in the fun as well.  He is a great husband and dad.  He loves his kids and likes to do simple and fun things with them (crabs from Puerto Rico, tadpoles from the pond, and even going on treasure hunts at the junk store).  He is truly good person, honest and fair, at home and at work.  We are blessed to have him in our family. 
Dad Pack ( Allen ) :
There are many great things in Kevin.  I think he is spontaneous, fun loving, and wants to make everyone happy.  I think he is a very loving person, I see that in how forgiving he is of those around him, how he goes out of his way to be kind to you, to his children, and to everyone around him.  He does not judge others and truly lives by the philosophy of "live and let live".  I love him as if he were one of my sons, and in my heart he is just that. 

Love Dad
Brother Jeff:
My brother Kevin. My favorite thing about my brother is that if he had one dollar or a million dollars he would be the same happy person. He has the unique ability to always have a good time. Always shows you a smile even if he might not have had the best day. You know when Kevin enters a room because he brings a smile to your face every time you are in his presence.   What is amazing is most of the time you don't even realize he has done that to you. Happy Birthday bro.
Love you, 


Sister- in -Law Tricia:
One of my favorite things about Kevin is his positive outlook on life.  He lives in the moment and enjoys life to the fullest!
He also writes a very creative and humorous best man speech!  : )  Happy Birthday Kevin!

                                                                                                                       Tricia Turano
Sister Doreen:
My favorite thing about Kevin is his ability to find joy in even the smallest moment in life. The way he listens to people with such interest and intrigue  and his youthful enthusiasm and positive outlook. He lifts my spirit when we are together.
Brother Leonard:
As one of my few biped relations he is very creative.

Sister- in- law Audrey :
Kevin is one of the most giving people I have ever met.he is always thinking of others that may not have as much as he does. Even when things may be tough for him he still seems to be thinking of others less fortunate.When we visit I always see this quality and try to remember and be like that!

Brother- in -Law Bryant:
Kevin is a fun, kind, smart, courageous guy. He is not afraid to try anything, or befriend anyone.

Sister- in- law Amy:
From Amy - Kevin always takes an interest in the people around him. He has always seemed interested and asks about things he knows are going on in my life. It makes me feel important.

Brother- in- Law Andy:
Says he's innovative fun.


Mark Mansingh:
 Kevin is my best friend. He is extremely loyal and he would do anything for me. I know if and when I needed him he would drop everything and be there for me and he has been. It is extremely rare for anyone in their lifetime to have a true friend like that. I am sooo blessed to have Kevin in my life. And he is the moat adventurous and fun person I have ever met and that's saying a lot with all the people I met. If I was stranded on a desert island he would be one of the couple a people I would wish to join me. So to sum it up he is my Wilson. :0)

Major : It is very impressive that Kevin probably has ten friends that would call him their best friend! That says something. He is honest, loyal and has a sense of humor!

John Jay :
My favorite thing about Kevin is that he is clever and unusual. ONE OF A KIND.

Terri: Kevin is fearless! He will challenge himself to anything. Even stand up comedy. I have always envied his fearlessness.

Lynne Dupree: Oh my gosh- Kevin's wacky sense of humor and complete disregard of the norm makes me just LOVE him!  His freedom tour was a great example of Kevin at his best !!!!!  He thinks differently! (Steve jobs)

Mike ( Cognito ) : He is the most genuinely nice person that I have ever met. He has the ability to see things with a sense of wonder that is inspiring.

Jeremy: My favorite thing about Kevin, is everything, plus the small hair creature that lives on his head. He has a great attitude each and every day. Keep it up Slappy- Jeremy

Melissa Murphy: He is a funny, adventurous, all around great guy!
Drew Everitt: He is a good husband and Dad. He puts his family first.

Emily Everitt: Everything that Drew said, and he always comes home with something CRAZY!!!! LOL!

A note about Kevin from JIM MILNER:

Leonard has told many stories about Kevin throughout the years that have been
humorous. Although he has
never said so, I know he is proud of his brother.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Trick, or a Treat?

This Halloween had me wondering if this was a real Halloween trick, just to get some treats, that Brooke was pulling on me?

As we were getting ready to go over to Emily and Drew's house for dinner and then some Trick or Treating, Brooke said to me, " Mommy, we need to go trick or treating for a long time this year, because I remember that last year we gave all of our extra candy to the homeless shelter after Halloween. "
I was surprised she remembered that! We did take bags of candy to the homeless shelter, because Kevin really had bought too much for our Halloween party. I guess you don't forget seeing little kids running around at  the shelters park,  in 70 degree weather, wearing snow boots as their shoes. Brooke said, " Maybe they don't have costumes, so they can't get their own candy." I thought it was sweet, but also thought she was again trying to bargain something, to try to get what she wants, in the smartest way possible, and  for the greater good. Hahahaha.

We had a great time at dinner at Emily and Drew's. When we headed off to go trick or treating, Brooke and Greenly stayed about 40 feet ahead of us the whole time. Brooke thought it was super cool. She kept running back and telling me that she couldn't believe I was letting her trick or treat alone! 

Then Brooke noticed Will had a pumpkin full of candy too! She said, " Will can't eat that candy, can he?" I said, " No, he is trick or treating for you. " She didn't even flinch, and she said, " Oh good! That will be the candy that we can give to the homeless shelter."

We haven't made it to the homeless shelter yet, but I am sure we will. Brooke was making another bag of toys on her own will, yesterday, that she wants to take to the kids there.

   Kevin cut holes in the suit that he wore when we got married for some reason this Halloween. He said that, he was making his own Magician Hobo costume? I couldn't believe he wanted to make a hobo suit and used the most special suit that he has ever had, to do it with. I teased him all night about it, and told everyone. Strange man sometimes? Ha, oh well.....

                                                          Greenly, Brooke, and Kylie

                                               The Mama's and their babes in their Hot Rods!

      Hadley and Will had a great time, being pushed around the neighborhood, and watching all the kids run by. The streets were filled with families.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Mother's Love

 A Mother's love will do amazing things, and I am telling you, the fact that I didn't eat ice cream, pizza, chocolate, or cake for seven LONG months, is amazing and a miracle in itself! For a person who ate ice cream every day of  their adult life, finding out that their nursing baby, ( who wouldn't take a bottle, or cup )  had the highest allergy possible to milk, eggs, nuts and sesame seeds was pretty devastating.

                                                          Actually here is the real truth;
As hard as changing my diet was, because of William's allergies , ( he was one-year when we found out ) deep down, I could care less that I couldn't eat those foods anymore, I really grieved for him missing out on all the fun foods, and then came the worry about how to get him all the nutrients that he needed. Once I took out all the things he was allergic to, out of my diet, his skin was the clearest it had ever been, and he was the happiest that he had ever been. Now when he gets even a little nibble of something cheese, his rash immediately appears and if he got enough, he starts scratching.

Nutritionist, feeding specialists, family and friends gave me a lot of advice about what to do with an allergic baby. I got some really good ideas and I tried them all, but Will still wouldn't eat hardly any table food, and drinking was even worse out of a bottle or cup.

As time went on, I believe that Will's fear of food got better. I am sure that the fact, that I did eat ice cream every day, really was making his life miserable, before we knew about the allergy. He eventually began eating some fruits, bread, and he even at a fish stick a couple days ago. He hasn't since, but Kevin has been diligently reading books on how to get our kids to eat, and the books say not to worry, just put all kinds of food in front of them, and don't say a word at all. No demands of eating veggies, or fruit , no threats to not get up from the table, etc. It seems to be working, because both kids are doing better.

I still had the problem that Will wouldn't drink anything, even when I didn't nurse for almost 24 hours. You would think the nutritionist would have mentioned this to me, but it wasn't her, but my friend Nadine who mentioned I should try coconut milk. Will started drinking a few ounces of it, and the relief came that I could finally wean him.

a few months went by of him drinking a few ounces of coconut milk, and I suddenly didn't want to wean him because I started seeing how much he was growing up, and the only time he would lay in my arms was to nurse. I was scared to let it go, because he is my last baby. I knew weaning him shouldn't be too bad, because he didn't seem to care about nursing, he is too busy to sit and lay.

I had pizza and ice cream for the first time in seven months when Kevin and I went on a date this week, so that we could celebrate our freedom returning. You should have seen my face in the gelato shop. I was all smiles. I tried five different flavors, and I was very happy to finally have my favorite food in the world again.

 Will did great with weaning. I thought he would, it was me that was scared he wouldn't cuddle anymore. I was terribly wrong about him! Even though I am not nursing, when it's bed time, after family prayer, Will still continues to lay in my arms. He isn't as calm, he grabs my nose, and chin laughing, but he is generally still and laying in my arms.

I think Will will grow out of his allergy, but if he doesn't , I am glad  that I can tell him,  that I know what it is like to eat a diet like him, and I did it for him for a long time,( in nursing terms) And I can tell him how, it's not that bad really. It is very healthy because you end up only eating fresh foods. I was happy to nurse that long, in order for Will to get the nutrients he needed, until he could find a drink that he liked.

Will's allergy actually helped me break bad habits about eating junk food. I didn't even finish this ice cream, and that is absolute craziness, for the old sweet lover Emily. I think the pain and discomfort of my body, that I am in,  is curbing my appetite also.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Beloved Blankie

Oh, beloved blankie, you have been there through it all!
  When William is wrapped up inside of you, you make him seem so small. 

Oh, beloved blankie, it was at William's blessing when you first met,
and now William cannot be found with out you,  and that I'm willing to bet!

Oh, beloved blankie, William holds you tight at night;
 but day time comes, and what fun you become,
A cape for play, a rope for sister Brooke, then comes tug- a-war,
and a trip to the grocery store. 

A pillow, a teething toy, a hanky to wipe away the tears,
And Daddy is getting worried that you will still be around,
 for the college years.

Oh, beloved blankie, you do more than keeping toes warmer,
 You warmed William's heart,
 right from the start.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


One day, on one of Kevin's and Brooke's " sneaking out of the house routine " to go to thrift stores, they picked up a record that featured some songs by the group ABBA. Brooke came to really like some of the songs. She is constantly putting on music, and her and Will dance for 20 min. non-stop almost everyday, to these records, and Cd's.

Kevin knew that Grandma Pack loved the movie Mama Mia, and he knew that Brooke liked some of the ABBA songs from their record, so when he saw tickets to see Arrival,  portraying ABBA around the world, in concert, and saw that they were coming to Dallas,  he bought Mommy, Grandma and Brooke tickets to go see the show.

We let Brooke stay up late to go to the concert, after Will was in bed. Grandpa and Daddy had a good time watching the baseball game on TV.

Kevin paid extra, so we could be on the front row! Being on the front row we could see all their facial expressions, and their costumes really well. Brooke had never seen anything like it. The music was awesome! They were so good, I kept wondering if they were lip-singing!

 Grandma took care of Mommy by bringing her ice packs for her neck ( in her purse), and cream to aid with pain. The day of the concert, I almost didn't go because I was in a lot of pain with my neck ache. I was glad I got to be there with Grandma and Brooke.

Thanks to Kevin for wanting the girls to have a good time, and  for always being the most unselfish, thoughtful, and best husband and Dad there ever could be.

BIOGRAPHY - Arrival From Sweden
ABBA are Swedens biggest music export ever, with 370 millions record sold.The musical and movie "Mamma Mia"a is a world hit sensation. Playstation ABBAs singstar is a great success and there are plans to open "The ABBA The Museum" in Sweden.
ABBA is the greatest popgroup of all, only compared with Elvis and The Beatles. ABBA started in 1971 and ended as a group in 1982. Their legacy will live for ever. The music,the passion and happiness will continue through their fantastic music,from generation to generation. ABBA are and will always be loved by the whole world. Arrival" From Sweden was founded by Vicky Zetterberg in 1995 Gothenburg, Sweden.
Arrival From Sweden soon became one of the world's most popular and most selling ABBA show band and since the start in 1995, the band has tourened over 35 nations and appeared in several of TV - and radio shows all over the world.
Arrival From Sweden in the worlds greatest ABBA tribute show "THE MUSIC OF ABBA" tours the world together with ABBA original musicans.

This production is the closest you ever will get to see ABBA!

Arrival From Sweden is the only group who has got an unreleased ABBA song directly from ABBA, the song will be released worldwide in 2009. Arrival From Sweden is the only group who has the exclusive right to copy ABBA's original outfits
Arrival From Sweden is the
only group who has the exclusive permission and trademark ABBA in their production name ABBASOLUTELY - permitted by Universal.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

First Field Trip

Brooke had her very first school field trip, this October. I was very appreciative of Kevin, for taking half a day off of work, in order for him to take care of Will, so that I could be a volunteer on Brooke's Kindergarten field trip to The Celina Pumpkin Patch.

All Brooke could talk about the night before was how she would finally have the chance to ride on a big yellow school bus. Brooke has been asking about riding on one of those school buses, since she was three years old! Two years  is a long time to wait, for a little one. She was thrilled when it was finally her chance to ride the bus.

Now, knowing the excitement about riding the bus, you must know how great of friend that Brooke strives to be. On the way to school, Brooke said to me, " Mom, I am going to let my friend Brooke sit next to the window on the way there, if she wants too, because I know sitting by the window would be the most fun, and I want to be nice. "  I said, " Wow, Brooke that is really nice of you! " She then reminded me that she was doing this, in order to pre-negotiate that she gets to look out the window on the ride home, because she knew it could cause a fight, if they didn't talk about it before hand. She is such a smart girl!!!! Her friend Brooke ended up being sick that day, but she let Natalie look out the window on the way there.

I was so glad that I was there for Brooke at the field trip for lots a reasons, one because it was freezing! It is more windy in the country where we were. All the kids were chattering their teeth. Luckily I had another jacket in my car, that Brooke was able to put on at the farm. Also, with such a big group of  kids, it was chaotic. So many children were confused about where they were supposed to be. (There was more than one school there) I loved being a help for the class, and spending that special time with Brooke.


We rode the hay ride, chose some pumpkins and ate our picnic lunch on a blanket, with Brooke's classmates.