Monday, November 14, 2011

A Trick, or a Treat?

This Halloween had me wondering if this was a real Halloween trick, just to get some treats, that Brooke was pulling on me?

As we were getting ready to go over to Emily and Drew's house for dinner and then some Trick or Treating, Brooke said to me, " Mommy, we need to go trick or treating for a long time this year, because I remember that last year we gave all of our extra candy to the homeless shelter after Halloween. "
I was surprised she remembered that! We did take bags of candy to the homeless shelter, because Kevin really had bought too much for our Halloween party. I guess you don't forget seeing little kids running around at  the shelters park,  in 70 degree weather, wearing snow boots as their shoes. Brooke said, " Maybe they don't have costumes, so they can't get their own candy." I thought it was sweet, but also thought she was again trying to bargain something, to try to get what she wants, in the smartest way possible, and  for the greater good. Hahahaha.

We had a great time at dinner at Emily and Drew's. When we headed off to go trick or treating, Brooke and Greenly stayed about 40 feet ahead of us the whole time. Brooke thought it was super cool. She kept running back and telling me that she couldn't believe I was letting her trick or treat alone! 

Then Brooke noticed Will had a pumpkin full of candy too! She said, " Will can't eat that candy, can he?" I said, " No, he is trick or treating for you. " She didn't even flinch, and she said, " Oh good! That will be the candy that we can give to the homeless shelter."

We haven't made it to the homeless shelter yet, but I am sure we will. Brooke was making another bag of toys on her own will, yesterday, that she wants to take to the kids there.

   Kevin cut holes in the suit that he wore when we got married for some reason this Halloween. He said that, he was making his own Magician Hobo costume? I couldn't believe he wanted to make a hobo suit and used the most special suit that he has ever had, to do it with. I teased him all night about it, and told everyone. Strange man sometimes? Ha, oh well.....

                                                          Greenly, Brooke, and Kylie

                                               The Mama's and their babes in their Hot Rods!

      Hadley and Will had a great time, being pushed around the neighborhood, and watching all the kids run by. The streets were filled with families.

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