Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Beloved Blankie

Oh, beloved blankie, you have been there through it all!
  When William is wrapped up inside of you, you make him seem so small. 

Oh, beloved blankie, it was at William's blessing when you first met,
and now William cannot be found with out you,  and that I'm willing to bet!

Oh, beloved blankie, William holds you tight at night;
 but day time comes, and what fun you become,
A cape for play, a rope for sister Brooke, then comes tug- a-war,
and a trip to the grocery store. 

A pillow, a teething toy, a hanky to wipe away the tears,
And Daddy is getting worried that you will still be around,
 for the college years.

Oh, beloved blankie, you do more than keeping toes warmer,
 You warmed William's heart,
 right from the start.

1 comment:

  1. i wish more than anything right now ammon found something to attach himself to! :( all of my kisd had something, whether it was a blankie, a special stuffed animal or a finger that helped soothe them. ammon hasn't picked anything as his fave yet...and i was really hoping he would before our 18 hour car trip coming up soon! sweet pics of will. and i love the way you wrote this as a poem-so cute emily!
