Monday, February 27, 2012

Pizza Pie Paul

So Kevin has a major crush. He stays in touch with his infatuation many times a day on the computer. He professes his love openly threw emails to family and friends about how amazed he is, by his new found love.  Hanging in the place that used to display the exact paper of my name and interview time that I had with Kevin, now you can find a portrait of the face of his fling. It is hung in Kevin's "office" nicely, along side his college degree plaque. When he comes home from work, he walks in the door and gives me a very quick kiss, and then, he gets straight to the gossip about his obsession. This is no secret admire relationship, Kevin wears a shirt loyally with the face of his lover printed on it.

I would be jealous, but seeing that his crush is seventy-eight years old, has white hair, wrinkles, and is only 5"10( if he straightens up as tall as he can), I am not worried about my competition. Eventually Kevin will realize the " Mormons" are irresistible, and had what he wanted all along, when Romney wins ;)

Kevin's Dad has nick-named him " Pizza Pie Paul", but Kevin calls him many things like; a game changer, a movement, an inspiration, a revolution, and hopes him to be the next President of the United States, this man Ron Paul.

This crush has already cost Kevin some money. Kevin had to buy pizza for Dad Turano when he came in town,  over a bet that " Pizza Pie Paul " would win the Iowa Primary.

Lucky Dad Turano got a Serious Pizza. This was a serious bet, Kevin really thought Ron Paul would win, so this gigantic pizza was enjoyed by us all, and it was deserved, since Kevin actually owed him two pizzas.

1 comment:

  1. Where did you get a pizza that big?!? Joe would love that!!! Do tell. :)
