Monday, April 2, 2012

Where the pirates all began

I wasn't sure if Brooke was going to get scared on the ride Pirates of the Caribbean. This ride is one of the rides that I first remember going on in Disney. Probably because I was scared, it stuck in my mind.
Grandpa Pack remembers going on this ride when he was younger too. Grandpa went on this ride when he was just five years old, in 1958. Although this ride has changed a lot since then, it is still a classic Disney ride that you can't miss. In fact, the movies Pirates of the Caribbean were made after the story of this ride. If you don't believe it, ask Kevin...I won a bet from him about this when we googled it.

Thank you Grandpa for pushing Will in the stroller asleep while we did end up taking Brooke, and she wasn't scared at all. She wasn't even scared when the boat dropped down a waterfall in the pitch black of the cave.

It kind of was a shame that Grandpa had to miss this ride with Grandma, because you would never guess where they went on their honey moon? Yes, Disney Land. This is one the first rides that they went on married, in the year of 1974.

You enter the ride on a boat admist a battle with cannon shots whizzing by, and the words " Yo, ho, yo, ho a pirates life for me, " stick in your head all day. Of course, that could be from the fact that my brother used to sing that song to me every day as he walked past me, with his hook swinging back and forth....

 An interesting fact about this ride is that it was the last attraction in which Walt Disney himself participated in designing. It opened up three months after his death in the spring of 1967.

       This exact scene can be seen in the very first Pirates of the Caribbean in the series of four movies.

                                               Jack Sparrow obviously was a new addition...

The positions on this chess game are no mistake. No matter the move each opponent will result in stalemate. These skeletons have been playing the game since 1973.

                                              The pirate themed store was fun to check out !

1 comment:

  1. pirates is and will always be one of my favorite rides at disney! its a classic. its better at land than world though-it seemed shorter at world? cali did great on it too-she hid her eyes for the first two seconds(i think she just didn't know what to expect) but then the rest of the way she was fine and loving it. she loved the classic dog with the jail keys scene:)
