Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Akershus Banquet Hall located in Germany in the Epcot center, was the event Brooke was most excited for at Disney World. Thank you Grandpa Pack for setting up all our character reservations and making this one possible.

At this four course meal, every one of the princesses comes to your table to greet their fans. Brooke got so excited she laughed and was shaking uncontrollably with excitement. She gets this shaking laugh from Grandpa Pack. She has done it since she was a baby, and when you see it, you will know it. It's a rare laugh, but when she does it, you will not forget it. It means she is uncontrollably happy. ( Grandpa Pack does it too )

She had a question for each of the princesses prepared before they came to the table. Pretty clever way to sneak in extra time with her favorite movie stars.

Brooke asked Aurora if she still saw her fairy friends. She said that she had tea and cookies with them last week.
                                    Brooke asked Belle if she lived in the castle still? Belle's answer was , " Yes, and if you ever come to my palace and you dance with the beast, watch out for your feet, because he is heavy! "

Brooke asked Cinderella if she ever saw her mice anymore. Cinderella said that the last time she saw them, they were playing freeze tag.

                                       Brooke waiting for the princesses to come to our table

Brooke asked Ariel if she ever went back in the ocean. Ariel said that she has been practicing a song for her fish friend Flounder. She will be going in the ocean to sing it to him.

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