Tuesday, April 3, 2012

worth the wait

As you remember Brooke adores Rapunzel. She had her whole five  year old birthday themed after this princess, so once she saw Rapunzel was in a stone garden meeting fans, Brooke was dying to go. The dilemma with this was that the line was 45 min to see her, and they only allowed 45 people to meet her total and then she is gone for the rest of the day.

We had to do it despite our hating lines. Every other line we waited in was no longer than 15 min. at most.

Brooke had a question prepared for each princess that she was going to meet. This was a prompting started by Kevin. Although we told her these characters were real cartoons and people dressed like the cartoon, she refused to believe that they weren't absolutely living the story of the movie.

It was so cute, adorable, and frankly I am glad she has a great imagination like that.

Her question for Rapunzel was quite intelligent. She asked her, " How did your hair grow so long again, when in the end of the movie Flinn cut it off and it turned brown? " Rapunzel was happy to tell her how it happened after her  and Flinn got married. She said that Flinn thought he saw stars in her eyes, but it was actually the yellow of her hair glowing into them as it was growing back, very quick and very long again. She said that her hair gained all of its power back again too!

                                         Will says he doesn't have time for this princess stuff...
      Rapunzel asked for the best hug ever, just like she says in the movie, that she had the best day ever!
                                            This is when Brooke starts asking about her hair
    Rapunzel told Brooke that next time she sees her, that her Brooke's hair will be as long as hers!
 Will says , " I can't believe they tried to make me see the princess. "  He screamed and ran away from her. Strange reaction from Will since he loved all the other animal characters. Maybe he isn't into tons of make-up and wigs?

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