Saturday, April 7, 2012

Wishes do Come True

Since Cinderella's castle is one the most photographed, iconic buildings in the world, you would think there is nothing else that they could do, before the passing of light up floats in the Electrical Parade, and then following a back drop of hundreds of fireworks, to make the night time experience any better?  It normally always begins with the narration of a story by Jimminy Cricket and the Blue Fairy, from "Pinocchio". Everyone walks away in wonder, if they don't know yet, what their dream is, and if they have a dream, that " Dreams really do come true" like the story ends.

This trip to Disney World  we were blown away to see that it was possible that they could add something even more spectacular to the night shows in Magic Kingdom.

After the parade of light up floats, and before the fireworks, Disney has added a projection show right onto the castle it's self. The 189 foot castle has at least 500 images projected on it with 16 projectors. The castle changes all kinds of colors, and designs. The pictures they project are absolutely perfect to sum up what Disney is all about; Love, Hope, Family, Dreams, Fantasy, Legacy, Innovation, and the Future. They project pictures of these families, and smiling faces from happy children, that they photographed at the park that very day. It was heart melting to see all the happy families pictures, with music , story and photography. This show called, " Memories, and you" is absolutely amazing!

We saw the show two nights.Will enjoyed every minute. He kept saying, " Hot" then pointing at the fireworks clapping and said, " yay"  before the next one began! I think he probably repeated this one-hundred times, since the firework show is so long at Disney. Brooke was scared of the fireworks at first, because she isn't used to the fireworks being so huge! She got over it, but then Will did something hilarious, and embarrassing at the same time.

As we were sitting on the floor at one point, watching the fireworks, a man came and sat in the space in front of Will. This is not an exaggeration, Will actually went to the man's shoulder , tapped on it, and said " Hey."


The guy didn't even move out of the way, even though Will kept saying it. In fact Will wouldn't even stop saying " Hey," upset until we gave him a lolly pop to distract him.

  Will fell straight to sleep with the sound of the motor on the ferry we were riding back to the Floridian.

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