Friday, April 27, 2012

Baby Crush

When Will was just a few months old Kevin made a comment that I never forget. He said he had never seen anyone look at a person the way I looked at Will. He continued, " It's a good thing Will is an extension of me, because if you looked at any other male that way, I would be crushed. " He then referred to my snuggling, and kissing with my baby Will as my " BABY CRUSH " .

I still have my "baby crush", only he is just two months away from being two-years old!

We have called him " Monkey Boy " with obvious advancement in physical ability. He could pull up to standing at seven months.

We have called him " Houdini" as he can seemingly disappear and you will find him wedged between the wall and a couch, just trying to see if he can fit in the small space.

And Will is always going to be famous in our family for the most stunning thing he did before age one. He figured out how to open the child proof locked cabinets! With determination we watched him try and try again, when he finally figured out, if you just open the cabinet as far as it will go, and then pull hard and down on the lever, it opens! No one would believe it, until they saw the video I captured. Then they almost broke their jaw, gasping at his advancement ;)

One thing we have never noticed in Will, is any indication that he is related to Brooke. Besides his bursting with laughter just like her, there isn't a lot of resemblance in their personalities, until now.....

Will has decided just like Brooke, that he LOVES to read!!!!!

I never expected my " Speedy Gonzales " to actually sit on my lap and read book, after book the way that Brooke did as a baby, and as a child now.

He has proven me wrong.... and at this rate, I think he will also, like Brooke, know his whole alphabet by age three and be able to read small words at three-years, just as she did.

Will brings me a book almost daily, and with the sweetest baby voice he says, " Mama I wanna read, Mama I wanna read book. " He grabs my finger and pulls me towards the cabinet where we keep the books. I sit down. After he gets a book out, he sits down very intently on my lap, like I am his personal reading chair. These are the golden moments as a Mother.

And you know that no matter what I am doing in the day, my heart melts when he does this. I will drop what I am doing to read with him. He can sit for ten min. on my lap while I read him books.

 Will's favorite pages have bugs, trucks, planes and helicopters on them.

Will is such a boy!!!!

 He learned very quickly how to say his favorite things, like this boat. He points and says very clearly, " boat, boat, boat ."
                                                    He is imagining riding in a helicopter....
                                        He searches for this page every time he sees this book...
                                                      This is when I started teasing him.....

                                 Grandma Pack always loves teaching the kids by reading to them...
                         Grandpa Pack and Brooke got some reading time in this Sunday too!
He is still keeping me on my toes at every moment.....

     We better be careful about what we let this one read...He just had to see if he could do it himself :)

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