Monday, April 9, 2012

Imagination Station ( Epcot )

The first time I went on the ride with Figment the dragon, I laughed out loud, it was so cute. I thought to myself, " When I have kids, I can't wait to take them on this ride."

I didn't know back then that I would have a daughter that would be even more thrilled about this ride than I was. And why were Brooke and Daddy so thrilled about this ride? Because it is about INVENTING!

The ride takes you through some scientists lab, where they discover many senses and the effects of them. You go through a room where your senses are tested and you get a poof of air blown into your face that smells like skunk spray! You go through a room that tests your hearing, with music and your sight, and last your sense of humor, where you see Figment the dragon living in a house that is upside down! It is a very cute and amusing ride for kids.

We rode on it twice, and afterwards we spent lots of time in the hands on test lab, where you could wave your hands around to make your own music, and run around and see lights moving with you. The computer games were fun. Brooke and I designed our own cartoon and colored it in on the computer.

                      The two inventors, ready for a lesson from a purple dragon on inventing.
                                These are the cars you take your ride into Figment's imagination.
             The sense of humor room was funny for the kids, seeing the purple dragon, living on the ceiling!
                                        Then they got a chance to use their own imaginations!

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