Friday, August 24, 2012

Change Jar over night to Choctaw

Doreen gave us this change jar for Christmas that counts the change you put into it. You would be surprised at how much change you collect. Seems like about every six months we collect one-hundred dollars or more.

So Kevin used to leave candy bars all around the house to see how long it would take me before I cleaned behind a picture or something. He knew I was an avid cleaner and normally I would find it the next day.
I don't clean nearly as much anymore, and I don't eat candy bars everyday like I used too...So now he leaves change to see how long before I put it in this jar. We call it the weekender jar....The rule is that the change is only supposed to be spent on doing something spontaneous and fun. That rule gives us happy thoughts whenever we put change in the jar.

Well Kevin was having a really bad week, a few weeks ago and I said, " I know what we need to do Kevin...we need to cash in our change jar and do something fun! " It was 2 pm on a Friday and I was shocked, but I talked him into it!

Kevin was home by 3:30pm. I got everything packed and ready that quick...( including Will's food in a cooler ) and we were at our ( best kept secret )weekender destination Choctaw Casino and Resort in Oklahoma by 4:30 pm...

We spent the rest of the night swimming, Kevin snuck Will onto the big water slide, we played in the kid's arcade and grabbed dinner at a cafe inside the Casino....It's a great deal this place. It's like you got on a plane and went to a Mexican resort style pool  for one-hundred dollars....       

When I told Brooke we were going to Choctaw spontaneously she started screaming, " Yeah!!!"


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