Monday, August 6, 2012

Takin a Break with Legos

Sometimes Kevin and I just don't grasp the way each other are thinking.
      We were driving past a new restaurant the other day. Kevin said to me, " I really want to take you there,  ( as he pointed ), they have comedians come in on Friday nights and they are supposed to be good. " I said, " That sounds good, but is it dirty? " One of his eyebrows raised as he looked at me and said, " The place just opened two weeks ago...It's really clean, I am sure." I told him I meant if the humor was dirty? He scoffed.

We loved going to this Lego exhibit about a month ago. Will and Brooke really loved it...Well Will did get bored after about thirty min. of getting frustrated with trying to build something with tiny blocks. After he knocked over Kevin and Brooke's buildings many times and the shrill of Brooke screaming, " No Will!!!" got old, he decided to lay down on the floor and try and take a nap. It was bizarre to see Will actually lay down in such a play place and crowded environment like this.

So I knew Kevin loved this exhibit as well, but I wasn't aware of how much he liked it until we were in the parking garage and we were leaving. Kevin said, " I think I am going to look on Craigslist to see if anyone is selling a Lego table like they had there, ( he paused ) I could put it in my office. "

I didn't say anything only because I was picturing Kevin getting frustrated and scolding a sales rep, then steaming off to his Lego room where he began using his Lego's as an outlet.....I did think it was weird, but it wouldn't be the first time that Kevin , or I for that matter, have had some strange ideas...

We get all the way home and he is still talking about this Lego table and how the kids would like it. I finally said something that cleared things up. I said, " Well it's not like the kids come up to your office very often Kevin." He was very confused. He said, " I wasn't talking about that office Emily, I was talking about the one in our house." I said, " You mean the room that you call your office that is completely empty besides a desk and table with your stereo system on it? " He said, " Yes!" Then I explained to him that I thought he wanted to take his breaks at work by building Lego buildings in his back room.....

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