Monday, August 6, 2012

Craw Fish Catch and Release

Speaking of strange ideas...

                          A while back Kevin said he had a surprise for us one day and that we had to go pick it up at the local grocery store Kroger...

                          He walked out of Kroger with a frozen bag. He said, " Emily please hold these, we need to pay attention to the movement."

                           I said, " What movement? " He said, " I heard Kroger was having a great deal on their frozen craw fish, so I ordered pounds of them. "

                           I looked at the package....said, " Craw fish...oh no, we don't eat craw fish...that means these things are alive???!!!!????"

                            He said, " Well they will be alive in a few min. they will wake up and then we can release them into our lake!!!! "

                            He thought we could be responsible for stocking out lake with craw fish if we just bought some at Kroger every time they were on sale. And you may say, why would we want our lake stocked with craw fish? Well the answer actually happened about an hour after we got the craw fish in the lake and we were talking to some neighbors walking near the lake and one of the little boys of the man we were talking to ran up to his Dad with a craw fish and excitedly screamed, " Dad, I caught a crayfish!" That's why we want to stock the lake with fish or craw fish.....

Will loved the craw fish...He loves bugs. He kept yelling, " Spider Man, ewe! "

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