Sunday, August 26, 2012

Penny Pick up?

Find a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck....

              This old saying obviously doesn't have place in our house, although I don't think it would be bad if it did....Brooke seems to think that taking even something of as little value as a penny would be stealing.

She found a penny on the ground the other day and said, " Oh, I found a penny. Can I have it Mommy?" I said, " Sure". It was like she was quizzing me because she said back with confidence in her voice, " Well I am not going to take it because that doesn't belong to me, and someone might come back for it."

I told her probably no one is going to come back for a penny and we used to have the saying about getting good luck from a penny you found. She said again, " Well if it's lucky should I take it?" I said, " It's up to you Brooke, that is just a saying. Luck isn't something that just comes, it is made. "

She seemed to have a aire certainty that she was making a good choice when she put the penny back on the ground and said, " I don't think I should take it. It isn't mine."

I said, " That is very good you know you shouldn't take what is yours."

I love how Brooke follows her own feelings about what she thinks is right and wrong. There is no middle ground for Brooke. It is black and white and she consistently stays in the white, every time. She has an amazing drive to do what is right and although it was just a penny....She wasn't going to take the chance that she might be stealing something....

We are blessed everyday to parent such an amazing little girl. We love you Brooke!!!! You are inspiring!!!!

1 comment:

  1. she is such a sweetheart! its a REALLY good thing that she sees things as black and white. that is the best way to see things and will help her with choices in the future. she is going to accomplish great things!
