Saturday, August 11, 2012

Emily's Quick Cuts for Hair Cut Haters

I got a call from Kevin yesterday and he said, " Well I guess you did it." I said, " Did what? " He said, " You have accomplished your goal. "

He said that the Target clerk made the comment to him, " You look like someone....Oh yeah, It's Bradly Cooper....Your hair looks exactly like his. "

I said, " She really said that about the hair? " May be Kevin was just trying to make me feel good? He said, " No, I promise she said exactly that about my hair."

I guess having real hair cutting scissors that Terri gave me after reading my last hair cut entry, really helped with the cut. It was a lot easier to get it precisely how I wanted it, and this time I used a picture of him, not a moving movie screen of " Limitless. "

I cut Will's hair with the new hair cutting shears Terri gave me too. They are so sharp I cut my self and it was pretty stressful getting Will to sit still for me to give him a new look, but I knew exactly what I wanted, so why go pay someone?

Kevin probably wished he never made that comment to me about what the Target clerk said. I was following him around trying to catch a pic of my accomplishment when he said, " I guess I don't have to wonder what it would be like to be Bradly Cooper...I know what it's like to have the paparazzi follow you around. "

1 comment:

  1. he does look like bradley cooper! you are an awesome hair cutter :)
