Thursday, May 30, 2013

Polka Dot Pizza

Have you ever thought of the pepperoni on a pizza as anything but pepperoni? We have been blessed that Will's allergies are getting better! A few months ago when Will was so sad about not getting pizza with his sissy Brooke, we decided to take off all the cheese and just let him eat the bread. He was in heaven and we did tell him that it might make him itch, but it was his choice if he wanted it. Well, he did okay with it...His eczema got really bad, but he wasn't have scratching fits like normal...So ever since we have been giving it to him that way. 

So the other day when we were having pizza Will suddenly got out of his chair, walked to the time out corner and started crying. I went and asked him what was wrong and he kept saying, " I want the polka dots, I want the polka dots. " I had no idea he knew what a polka dot was?...I kept asking him, " what polka dots?" He took me to Brooke's pizza and said, " I want the polka dots. "   So it's no longer pepperoni pizza in our house...It's polka dot pizza!

He is almost three-years old! My own prince Will is getting so smart! So funny! And as always continues to be one stubborn little cookie!

I read once that children who learn to recognize letters and numbers as toddlers, have higher IQs. That's why Brooke could read at three-years old. Will isn't quiet as interested as Brooke was, but he is interested! And we are talking letters all day long! Kevin says not to be surprised if my kids end up with tattoos when they are older, because I write the letter on their hand as toddlers and we talk about the sound and letter all day long! It's my own method I decided would help me remember to teach ;)

Have you ever been so tired you fall asleep at the table? Well Will does occasionally... It always amazes me and I feel like a bad Mom to have let him get so tired!

Will has decided sticking things down your shirt is a way of making your own pocket. His imagination is huge! He can find anything and decide it's a sword. When pieces of the vacuum go missing, I know just where to look for them.

Will loves his Daddy so much! Will asks me almost everyday, " Can I call my Daddy? " as he hands me my phone...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Posing for pictures isn't as painful for the kids while riding a train...Even Will gave his posed half smile...

While in SLC we went to Heritage Park. We toured the replica of the town and house of John Pack our famous pioneer Grandfather. The train ride in this little pioneer town was a favorite for Brooke and Will.

Asking for Help

There are so many times in the New Testament that Christ prays to his Father. I love this moment in particular when he is in the Garden of Gethsemane, taking upon himself all of our sins...Bleeding from every pore.. I always remind Brooke that what Christ is doing in this picture, is even more significant than when he was hanging on the cross. I remind her that this is where the demands of justice are met, for all who repent daily for their sins, with sincere change.... the sins are taken away, and we are forgiven. 

I love this picture because it reminds me that even a completely perfect person, Jesus Christ, still finds it necessary and desires to be aided by his Father. He remindes us what we should do in our most difficult hours. Get on our knees and ask for help.

Luke 22:42
Saying Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

and what I love even more, is that his Father couldn't take the cup from him, but what he did do, is send him help.

Luke 22: 43
And there appeared and angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.

 So many times we might feel our prayers aren't answered the way we wish, but if we pay attention we can see that we are being helped, and in many ways we can see his hand in our lives. 

We were lucky that Will napped for awhile while we were at Temple Square. It was so peaceful...and when he woke up, he must have felt the peace there, because he just sat there in awe..which is highly unusual for him to sit still ever...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Imprints on our Spirits

  Walking up a circular pathway, with a golden rod leading the way.... up a slight hill you go, soft angelic music plays as you reach the unforgettable Christus statue that imprints on your spirit, deep as the marks that are imprinted even on the hands and feet of this Christus, at the Temple Square visitors center in SLC, Utah.

It's more than appropriate that the walls are painted with hundreds of stars, and planets....
The Hubble deep-space telescope has confirmed what Moses saw and heard when the Lord said to Moses,  " Worlds without number have I created  " Moses 1:33

In our day these Hubble scientists say our Milky Way galaxy is estimated to be only one of over 200 billion similar galaxies.

 Just in our Milky Way Galaxy there exists between 100 and 200 billion stars.

 If there were 150 billion stars, each star potentially could have say three or four planets, ( our sun has ten ) giving a total of 150 billion times four, equals 600 billion creations, that by him and his power were created.

To think of what power is used to create such a magnificent work is incomprehensible to man...but what we do know, and what he has said is that,


The unconditional, most pure love is exhibited all around us each day as we live and breath on this beautiful earth.....

As we look at the night sky, we can feel of our divine worth, because we are his children, and look what he can create, and yet....

                                          He created it all for us, and we are his work...

My hope and motivation for taking Brooke and Will to SLC to visit Temple Square was this... that they could even at such a young age, come to know how much he loves them. I hope for their divine potential to be deeply en rooted into their hearts as they remember what he did for them and why? I hope that  they will never doubt if their Mother loved him or not? That they would always remember to show him appreciation for what he has given us, not just by saying it, but by showing our love for him through our actions and choices......


I AM 30!!!!!

Thanks for all of my wonderful friends, stepping into a new era of my life, was only a party to look forward too for me.....

            I am incredibly blessed to be supported and cared for by these women. There is something unique and special about every single one of my friends. I learn from them, I am inspired by them, I laugh with them, and I am touched by their kindness, and devotion to the gospel of Jesus Christ on a regular basis....

Holly, Amanda and Melissa planned my Thirtieth birthday party at one of my favorite restaurants BJs. In fact, I love it so much that once Kevin made us eat there for a whole week straight for dinner. I wasn't complaining! At BJs they make these delicious pazookies, which are individual size cookie cakes with ice cream and whipped cream on top. Amanda brought cupcakes, and once everyone saw my pazookie we were all eating cupcakes and pazookies. I love that since I love to eat sweets with other people enjoying them as much as me!

I really missed a few girls that night, however. One being the coolest girl, and my closest friend Holly. Holly had a fever on the day of the party and had to miss it.

Christina, Meredith, Kristy, and Brittany were greatly missed too being out of town and sick....

I wont mind passing another decade at all......... as long as these girls are still around to go out and laugh and play with!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I am glad someone thinks I am tall and human ;)

Brooke gave me my Mother's Day art work a little early, which is perfect because today is also my Birthday!

These are the things Brooke says she likes about me...

My Mommy is...

good cleaner, cooks good, princess, pretty voice, smart, loving, funny, happy, playful, teacher, nice, healthy, good, sweet, smells good, long, tall, careful, caring, fun, running is special to her and human

( Glad she thinks  I am human, because Kevin and others have often asked me  ( " Do you come from another planet? Are you living on the same earth I am ?" )

She gave me a paper that says " Top Ten Reasons I love Mom "

My Mom helps me with my dance stretches.

My Mom Loves me.

My Mom sings to me.

My Mom is careful.

My Mom is nice.

My Mom is good.

My Mom reads to me.

My Mom is my Mom.

My Mom is the best Mommy ever.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Eight Years and we've just gotten started....


 For all the hidden candy bars in corners around the house, for times when I am needing an extra sugar rush. Oh and my favorite drink on the seat of my car is like the best morning surprise!

 For re-arranging your position on the couch just perfect for me to sit in your lap with a solid back support when my neck is hurting really bad...

 For waiting for me to get ready and put my make-up on...even though you say I look just as good without make-up...

 For waking up early with the kids on weekends so that I can sleep in...

 For wanting to discipline the kids and teach them how to show respect and to be hard workers...

 For unloading the dishwasher...a lot.....oh and re-arranging it before you start it because I am for some reason incapable of making it all fit the way you like it....

 For renting movies that you think I will like, and not being mad when I turn some down...

For giving me your socks in bed when its cold, even though you probably wanted them for yourself...

For kissing me when you come home from work...

For being so supportive of girls nights and me going to the temple, and gladly watching the kids for me to go.

For always asking my oppinions about your business scripts and ideas.

For trying to show me and the kids a good time.

For saying nightly prayer with me and the kids.

For loving me forever and no matter what....