Saturday, May 18, 2013

Imprints on our Spirits

  Walking up a circular pathway, with a golden rod leading the way.... up a slight hill you go, soft angelic music plays as you reach the unforgettable Christus statue that imprints on your spirit, deep as the marks that are imprinted even on the hands and feet of this Christus, at the Temple Square visitors center in SLC, Utah.

It's more than appropriate that the walls are painted with hundreds of stars, and planets....
The Hubble deep-space telescope has confirmed what Moses saw and heard when the Lord said to Moses,  " Worlds without number have I created  " Moses 1:33

In our day these Hubble scientists say our Milky Way galaxy is estimated to be only one of over 200 billion similar galaxies.

 Just in our Milky Way Galaxy there exists between 100 and 200 billion stars.

 If there were 150 billion stars, each star potentially could have say three or four planets, ( our sun has ten ) giving a total of 150 billion times four, equals 600 billion creations, that by him and his power were created.

To think of what power is used to create such a magnificent work is incomprehensible to man...but what we do know, and what he has said is that,


The unconditional, most pure love is exhibited all around us each day as we live and breath on this beautiful earth.....

As we look at the night sky, we can feel of our divine worth, because we are his children, and look what he can create, and yet....

                                          He created it all for us, and we are his work...

My hope and motivation for taking Brooke and Will to SLC to visit Temple Square was this... that they could even at such a young age, come to know how much he loves them. I hope for their divine potential to be deeply en rooted into their hearts as they remember what he did for them and why? I hope that  they will never doubt if their Mother loved him or not? That they would always remember to show him appreciation for what he has given us, not just by saying it, but by showing our love for him through our actions and choices......


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