Monday, May 6, 2013

Eight Years and we've just gotten started....


 For all the hidden candy bars in corners around the house, for times when I am needing an extra sugar rush. Oh and my favorite drink on the seat of my car is like the best morning surprise!

 For re-arranging your position on the couch just perfect for me to sit in your lap with a solid back support when my neck is hurting really bad...

 For waiting for me to get ready and put my make-up on...even though you say I look just as good without make-up...

 For waking up early with the kids on weekends so that I can sleep in...

 For wanting to discipline the kids and teach them how to show respect and to be hard workers...

 For unloading the dishwasher...a lot.....oh and re-arranging it before you start it because I am for some reason incapable of making it all fit the way you like it....

 For renting movies that you think I will like, and not being mad when I turn some down...

For giving me your socks in bed when its cold, even though you probably wanted them for yourself...

For kissing me when you come home from work...

For being so supportive of girls nights and me going to the temple, and gladly watching the kids for me to go.

For always asking my oppinions about your business scripts and ideas.

For trying to show me and the kids a good time.

For saying nightly prayer with me and the kids.

For loving me forever and no matter what....


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